Will It Have a Makeover?

It didn't seem appropriate to put into ask volition.

When will this site ever get a makeover? I know the whole background has been updated etc, but i'm meaning the style. Will we ever see the implementation of themes etc?

Would be nice to see themes added non the less. If there are themes I can't find a button for it lol.
If no themes, it would be nice for new backgrounds etc.
Seems kinda useless. If you know HTML or CSS, get https://add0n.com/stylus.html and make a theme for this. Anyone can download it once published.
It's not useless, you shouldn't have to make your own theme. I also prefer it to be done through the site itself and not some off host addon. I have used theme creators before however it's my personal preference for it to just be a implemented feature. Not everyone here knows HTML or CSS so it's really just out of the way tbh. However to each there own, it's just my personal opinion.
Well, this is the right place for it. 'Ask Volition' would be wrong as this site isn't run by Volition (even if the logo and background were kindly donated by a Volition artist!)

This is unlikely to happen for the following reasons:
  1. skinning XenForo is annoying and tedious
  2. I'm not a designer, and am crap at visual design
  3. customising the templates means that I have to maintain it if XenForo make a change to a template in an update, which makes doing security updates harder
  4. there's a LOT of time involved in building a theme, and testing each of the xenforo features to make sure none of it is broken afterwards
If someone wants to volunteer a theme for me, I would consider it. But this is very unlikely.
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Xenforo 1.5.

I'm testing an upgrade to 2.1, but that kills all of the admin addons we have.