Assuming the problem still exists, here's an example of my latest project to illustrate how I have been dealing with .asm_pc files:
I edited my female character's skin so she had long white gloves - I'm a sucker for long gloves. The files I was working with were 'Default female diffuse.str2_pc' and 'customize_player.asm_pc'. I unpacked and edited and so on, but that's not important here; once I finished editing I repacked the texture .dds into the relevant .cvgm_pc and .gvbm_pc files in a subdirectory called 'Default female diffuse', then repacked them into an .str2_pc by dragging the whole directory onto Gibbed.SaintsRow3.PackSTR2.exe (this is described elsewhere and only really applies to textures; the point is, this is how you make the .str2_pc so that it works, NOT by dragging it onto a .bat file as described by Miku above - put that leek down and try again =P ) and renamed the 'Default female diffuse_PACKED.str2_pc' file that was created so it was called ' Default female diffuse.str2_pc ', the same as the original file. Then I copied the old 'customize_player.asm_pc' into the tools directory and updated my .bat file so that it read:
Code:REM param 1 is the file name to save - param 2 is the folder containing the str2 pc files REM Gibbed.SaintsRow3.PackSTR2.exe 'Default female diffuse.str2_pc' 'Default female diffuse' REM param 1 is the asm - param 2 is the folder with the str2 files. . means current folder Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UpdateASM.exe customize_player.asm_pc . pause
saved that and ran it (note that the second line is commented out because I already did that bit seperately - I like to do one thing at once so that if a problem arises I know what's going wrong). Then I cut the newly updated customize_player.asm_pc and Default female diffuse.str2_pc, pasted them into a storage directory, copied them to the game's root directory and ran the game. Voila, long white gloves in-game.
- there has to be an existing .asm_pc file to update, it can't create one
- the .bat file can be called anything you want
- be tidy with your files - only put .str2_pc or .asm_pc files in the same directory as the tools when you're working directly on them. This will prevent things getting confused
- watch your spelling! The difference between UK and US english caused me about three hours of headscratching...
Hope this helps.
Your explanation is very clear, and I'm about to try this. I'll post my results in a few minutes.