Xtbl Editor

THought I'd add for the record I also use Notepad++ and provide the URL for others that
may lack leet search skillz. It is opensource freeware so it is the best kind. Probably one the best ASCI based
editors I've ever used except it does lack some features I used to love of a ancient DOS based payware editor I used to use.


The editor in the OP is great and I do use it, but end up using Notepad++ for a lot of editing xtble sessions. Especially as
the editor here is rather limited and only does one thing very well, nice sorting of the feilds and saving of properly inserted CR/LFs
on poorly saved xtbls you may find elsewhere on the net that lack CR/LF info for some reason (carriage return / Line Feed , for you kids)

What's a carriage you ask? IT is something drawn by a horse, of course.
Sigh, sucks to be so old.
It would be nice if you could open the XTBL-files by double clicking on them, but the editor just opens up blank and I have to load the file anyway. :/

Rightclick on the xtbl file and set your editor of choice as the default load program, or when loading it as an unknown file for the first time, you should get the option to pick what program to load it permantly.
Rightclick on the xtbl file and set your editor of choice as the default load program, or when loading it as an unknown file for the first time, you should get the option to pick what program to load it permantly.
I have. When I double click XTBL-files this XTBL-editor opens, but the problem is that it opens up blank.
I created this quick and easy tree style .xtbl editor, it shows all nodes in a collapsible tree for easy editing of files. It Makes use of the <Name> child nodes to help identify weapons, vehicles, items, etc.

It currently has no sorting, I may add sorting and filtering in the future, this was just a quick tool so I can tweak weapons faster.

Edit: Here's a screenshot http://screensnapr.com/v/qrlnly.png
Screenshot feature seems to be broken, you'll have to use the link

I have no idea how this works. Could you explain it or make it easier to use?
Have you considered something a bit more like this?

Screenshot is from my prototype xtbl editor for SR2 (one of these days, I'll finish it :))

The TableDescription element contains all you need to parse and fully understand the document (and this is what this editor does).
So... You working on it yet?
i love this editor it is so much easier then searching for mins for to find the part of a xbtl i am looking for and it is easy to edit. I used it because i am new to modding so it helped a lot i didn't know about until fan of the saints recommended it to me if he didn't i probably would have never have found out about this editor.it works with sr3 and sr4 xbtls which is great.