PART I: Forum Rules
- Don't be a dick.
- No piracy - including DLC piracy. This is a permaban on first offense.
- No mod selling - All mods on this site should be available for free to everyone. Do not try to sell your mods here.
- Be respectful and mindful of other modder's work and get the original creator's permission before you upload their mod or a changed version of their mod. If you can't contact the original mod creator, ask the Saints Row Mods staff - anyone marked as an Administrator or Moderator.
- If you have a problem with the content of another member's post then simply use the Report link instead of backseat moderation.
- If you have been banned, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT TO CIRCUMVENT YOUR BAN. Any ban that you attempt to circumvent in this way will result in all of your accounts being permanently banned.
- Sharing user accounts is not allowed - posting account details on services such as bugmenot is forbidden and will result in that account being banned. We do not require registration for viewing posts or downloading mods (except the Adult Corner for legal reasons).
- Don't PM administrators directly asking for help with using or installing mods or tools. Instead, please post in the "Get Help/Troubleshooting" forums, or the thread for the mod itself that you're having problems with.
- Misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racial, or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated on this forum in any form. This includes using them in jokes or casual conversation. Treat your other forum users here with respect no matter what their gender, race, background, or preferences might be. This also includes uploading and requesting mods of such nature.
- Please only use English on the forum. We have no way to moderate posts that use other languages.
- You must be 18 or older to access the Adult Corner. This is to comply with UK law which does not allow adult content to be freely accessible to minors. Access is granted automatically up to an hour after sign up.
- Please keep content that's outside the adult corner relatively SFW (that's Safe For Work) - this includes signatures and avatars.
- Do not harass forum members - on or off the forum. If you're a victim of harassment such as threats, doxxing, ect., contact an admin.
- Repeatedly or purposely spoiling parts of the upcoming game without warning will result in your account being terminated. Respect your fellow forum members.
Violating these rules - in particular, the rule against harassing outside of the Saints Row Mods forum may also result in your access to the forum being restricted.
PART II: Basic Posting Common Sense
- DO NOT double/triple/quadruple/etc post. If you have something else to say then use the EDIT button instead of adding multiple posts in a row. There are obvious exceptions to this rule for authors of mod releases that require frequent updating, or if you are reviving an older thread with new important information.
- DO NOT bump threads or create multiple threads asking the same question.
- DO NOT make your post unreadable by using font colours, really tiny fonts, or really huge fonts.
- DO NOT post a lot of large images. Make sure to read Posting Images Without Being Spammy before adding images to your threads or replies.
- DO NOT use large signatures. The maximum signature image size to keep threads readable is 500x80. If you are using a text signature then that means a max of 5 lines.
- DO NOT attach polls to your threads for stupid things. The only thing a poll should ever be used for is to collect sample data of opinions. For example, a poll in General Chat asking if people will preorder Saints Row 4 is an acceptable poll. A poll asking if people can help with a problem or a mod is not.
- DO make an effort to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to the best of your ability. We understand that some of our user base has English as a second language, but at least try and make an effort; this means capitalizing the first letter of sentences, using punctuation, not substituting numbers instead of letters (2 instead of too,) not posting in all lower or upper case, etc.
- DO NOT openly talk about spoilers of the new game, tag the spoiler as such.
- DO use the "SPOILERS" prefix when creating a new thread that contains spoilers for the new game.
Account deletions
If you want your account on this site to be deleted, please use the contact form while you are logged in from the account you wish to be removed and this will be done for you.
Any posts you have made will normally be left. If you would like your posts or threads to be removed, please make sure to say this in your PM. It's quite easy for us to do this before your account is removed, it's a nightmare to do it afterwards.
Please note: we can't scrub the internet of all traces of your posts - Google's cache and amongst others index this site regularly and we have no control over the content available on these services.
Appealing a ban
If you believe you have been banned unjustifiably, please use the contact form. Your ban will be reviewed by a different member of staff to the one who banned you.
Complaints against members of staff
If you wish to make a complaint about a member of staff, please use the contact form and your complaint will be reviewed by a different member of staff.
Name changes
If you wish to change your account's name, please use the contact form while logged in. We will allow a small number of name changes per user but constant requests for changes will be rejected.
Please do not register a duplicate account to get a different name on the forum.