Recent content by Admixon

  1. Admixon

    AOM/SRR Content Browser and Extractor

    Prolly yes, but I'd need to know how to convert volition files to anything usable like fbx
  2. Admixon

    Saints Row Reboot Tool (Extract/Patch)

    Ninja Ripper
  3. Admixon


    Oh I always wanted to restore the Old Stilwater hotel to its glory, I've even started a project some time ago but never finished I think the best option would be the map editor but I have no idea how to use it
  4. Admixon

    Morningstar - Liilian

    The mod isn't compatible with any body extending mods and it should work fine with any body type, no idea why it's clipping. Sorry to hear it's broken for you
  5. Admixon

    Saints Row 3\4\Remastered mesh import addon for Blender

    Yea, you need a new tool to port it back to TTR
  6. Admixon

    0xc0000142 Error

    dxgi is one of the reshade files. If you want to use reshade I recommend downloading the installer from their official website , pick Saints Row 2 exe file during installation, choose DX9 version, then choose the preset you downloaded (it should be saved as .ini) and finish...
  7. Admixon

    Does anyone still have a copy of a AOM file extraction tool?
  8. Admixon

    AOM/SRR Content Browser and Extractor

    I had this tool burried deep down in a well of old Volition files. It's a content browser and extractor made for Agents of Mayhem but it also works with Saints Row Reboot I'm not the author, it was created by Taylor Mouse Tested on Win7/10/11 Known issues 1. Agents of Mayhem will be alawys...
  9. Admixon

    Morningstar - Liilian

    It won't work with the re-elected build, you need to switch to legacy and here's how:
  10. Admixon

    Admixon's Art Thread

    2024 | Shaundi Neenah
  11. Admixon

    Admixon's Art Thread

    2024 | Neenah
  12. Admixon

    [GoG] Agents of Mayhem items for SRIV

    Try downloading the files again maybe use a different browser. I have no idea why the files are larger than they should be. I just checked and downloaded one of the files myself and it's not that big
  13. Admixon

    [GoG] Agents of Mayhem items for SRIV

    How? It's less than 100MB