Recent content by BeautiDuwanger

  1. BeautiDuwanger

    SR2 Saints Row 2 Mega Patch isn't coming :(

    I get your intentions but you are overthinking it bud. The publisher didnt force anyone to do it, they are not being ripped off or abused to work for free. Idolninja wanted to see this game finally fixed to the point that he was willingly sacrificing his free time to make it real, and the...
  2. BeautiDuwanger

    SR:TT Do mods even work anymore for this game?

    Mods still work, you probably installed it wrong or have two different mods that conflict with each other.
  3. BeautiDuwanger

    I try to transfer the boss model into gmod。

    This is because the character mesh has two sets of UVs, one is for the diffuse and the other for the normal map. In game both are active at the same time. You will have to pick one, either create a new normal map or a new diffuse that match the other texture. Unless gmod supports having two...
  4. BeautiDuwanger


    sandbox + has a command to hide the HUD, you can still play normally with it
  5. BeautiDuwanger

    Character Customization Request for a Albino Zin Skin

    Gray area, since the zin outfit is a dlc item, cant be released for free as a mod
  6. BeautiDuwanger

    Character Customization Request for a Albino Zin Skin

    If you want the zin body outift, this cant be done in the remaster
  7. BeautiDuwanger

    Saint ríe 4 switch

  8. BeautiDuwanger

    Play as NPC

    He used a special game build with dev commands included that was leaked last month iirc. Retail version doesnt have such commands, so its just not possible to do it without them.
  9. BeautiDuwanger

    Super Shaundi

    Its possible but i wont do it, sorry Wont be making more mods for these games.
  10. BeautiDuwanger

    Skinballs Outfit ! (and too many other ones too)

    Bud, we have told you dozens of times it CANT be done.
  11. BeautiDuwanger

    Skinballs Outfit ! (and too many other ones too)

    I extracted the NPC mesh and ported it for the player as a full body suit. Its the only way it can be done
  12. BeautiDuwanger

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Honestly, im not a big fan of the gliding mechanic either because im afraid it will cause the same thing SR4 supowerpowers did... making the use of vehicles pointless. However... superpowers were the MAIN mechanic and the selling point of SR4. So far this one seems more like a "cool tool to...
  13. BeautiDuwanger

    Skinballs Outfit ! (and too many other ones too)

    That was a private/comm mod i made for that guy a couple of years ago, so it was never published. I dont even have the mod files anymore.