Recent content by jackceck

  1. jackceck

    [Mod Release] Jacob_MP's Johnny Gat Player Mod

    Oh wow, nice work! I remember trying to find out how to do something like this a while back
  2. jackceck

    Model swap?

    Been trying to figure this out for years...don't think it's possible
  3. jackceck

    Harley Quinn homie(s)

    Replaces Samantha with Harley Quinn which is a retextured Tanya. Extra folder provides other replacement options. PLEASE READ TXT PROVIDED ------------------ Phantasy Row required to install, Everything goes in "usermods" When it's done put the contents of MY_CUSTOM_PATCH where your SR1 files...
  4. jackceck

    Joker player skin texture

    Replaces the default texture with a Joker like skin texture. -------------- Phantasy Row required to install Everything goes in "usermods" When it's done put the contents of MY_CUSTOM_PATCH where your SR1 files are and launch PhantasyRow's custom xex.
  5. jackceck

    After so many years, I have finally been able to extract the entire model of the female Morningstar soldiers

    I meant upload the file for 3d model programs As for mods I think Street Fighter 6 which has the same engine as those Resident Evils would be pretty good, and when the game fully comes out somebody might even get it working on the custom character
  6. jackceck

    Tanya over Samantha

    Replaces Tanya over Samantha She still acts like a homie but don't shoot her because you'll end up getting VK notoriety, lol Install: Put the xtbl file in the usermods folder and run the bat. When it's done put the contents of MY_CUSTOM_PATCH where your SR1 files are.
  7. jackceck

    SR1 | Share your cool/funny screenshots

    Too late for that.
  8. jackceck

    Booty Shorts - Fancy Fishnets with no fishnets

    The boots are already in the game
  9. jackceck

    Booty Shorts - Fancy Fishnets with no fishnets

    So do you want me to remove the shorts or make a version where the fishnets cut off at some point?
  10. jackceck

    Booty Shorts - Fancy Fishnets with no fishnets

    I would love to learn how to do that stuff but I can't figure it out at the moment
  11. jackceck

    Booty Shorts - Fancy Fishnets with no fishnets

    I removed the fishnets from "Fancy Fishnets" in Leather in Lace to create short shorts. I also find out how to make stuff "shiner" so I have an extra file incase you want that change too. This will require a program called SPECIAL K:
  12. jackceck

    UPDATED (2023) Installing Texture mods with Special K + Creating them

    I have spent many hours on writing to the best of my ability how to install Special K and installing Texture mods with it along with touching on mod creation. It can be found in a google document: Tutorial Link Update: Not only have I tested with steam but the process should be much easier...
  13. jackceck

    Music Junkie Top, No Headphones

    This mod removes the headphones from the "Music Junkie" Top in Planet Saints. This will require a program called SPECIAL K: If you already have it, just put the texture file in: Documents\My...