Ah my bad. Sorry for misunderstanding.
I hope someone will eventually leak SR2 PC Source Code, or sells this IP to a more capable company. This game and IdolNinja don't deserve any of this.
Do you have any evidence of the patch/rerelease project being still alive and active, like screenshots, videos, or any progress report?
I wouldn't have posted anything if there was any evidence of life.
Regarding internals these are something I immediately noticed:
* The game no longer loads mission scripts (*.lua) from patch_compressed.vpp_pc :sigh:
* Zero Saints Thirty (m00.lua) and stream_grid.asm_pc is now relocated to "sr3_city_2.vpp_pc" which is new. This change was probably done for...
"Modules" are makeshift scheme I came up with to make multiple "sr3_city.lua" mods co-existable without too much effort.
All SR games up until SRGOOH can load loose Lua scripts from the game's directory, and these Lua files can embed contents of another Lua file via "include" command. (kinda...
Sorry for late reply. Many surroundings around me has changed in these months and I can't take much time to SR modding.
1) No. It will overwrite original Sandbox+ anyway.
2) At least 1 people reported savegame problem but I'm unsure if it is caused by Sandbox++. Using Finder should be fine but...
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 released.
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021)
* Restored GameSpy-related menus for OpenSpy. Sadly it doesn't work for me (It lets me create an account but login fails) so nothing beyond the login menu is tested.
* Removed Phone tab from multiplayer lobby (Likely horrible...
Cleaner Costs v0.1
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU
Download: cleanercosts_v0.1.zip
"Hey, HEY! Watch your shooting!" -- Bain
=== Description ===
Celebrating Saints Row x PAYDAY2 crossover, this mod implements the civilian kill penalty from PAYDAY2 to ALL Saints Row games on PC.
When you kill...
Additional cheats are 100% safe. In fact I'm regularly using it alongside with SuperUI.
Generally, simple *.xtbl mods and graphical mods are okay. Mods with "vint_doc_containers.asm_pc" and/or "patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc" are not OK.
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