Animation Fixes

This mod will fix some animation oversights and bugs.

To install it just extract "anim_files.xtbl" into the directory where your your exe is.

Compatible with Re-elected

Made By Vlad Viper

modifications made inside anim_files.xtbl:
use_animated_camera flag: forces animations to use animated cameras(if they have any assigned)

added flag to - plym_ssprntattk_1_a - restores unused animated camera for the scissorhead takedown

no_ik flag: disables inverse kinematics (limbs properly adjusting to weapon handles)

added flag to - hs_run_a - correctly adjusts the player hand when sprinting with a human shield while unarmed

no_interpolation flag: makes animations look choppy

removed flag from - m01_aln_kll_scrtsrvc_attckr - restores intended smoothness during the animation where an alien throws a secret service agent against a wall in "The Saints Wing"
removed flag from - m01_zkill_pta_strt_a - restores intended smoothness during one of the zinyak QTE animations in the beginning of ETD
added flag to - m15_ron_dfo_recvr - restores choppy look for the Ronin members recover animation for consistency with other animations in "Welcome Back"
removed flag from - m21_1_plym_mssn_strt - restores intended smoothness for the scene where the boss gets on the back of the truck at the beginning of "Grand Finale"
added flag to - m15_grnt_cmb_a_chain - restores choppy look for the Vice King members combo attack animation

hide_weapon flag: hides weapons in hand(s) if there are any equipped while animations play

added flag to - ped_bs_dwnd - hides the weapon for the clones during their downed state and fixes the hand bending strangely in "A Game of Clones"
added flag to - m17_shaundigrabbed_b - hides shaundi's rifle during her alien grabbing animation in "All Hands On Deck"
added flag to - m17_shaundigrabbed_extb - hides shaundi's rifle at the end of the alien grab animation in "All Hands On Deck"
added flag to - ped_bs_os_bk_a - hides weapons in npc hands during "oh shit!" reactions when the player super jumps or lands next to them
added flag to - ped_bs_os_bk_b
added flag to - ped_bs_os_fw_a
added flag to - ped_bs_os_fw_b
added flag to - ped_bs_os_lt_a
added flag to - ped_bs_os_lt_b
added flag to - ped_bs_os_rt_a
added flag to - ped_bs_os_rt_b

animations are too similar so the video only shows "ped_bs_os_bk_a" as an example
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_bk_a - hides weapons in npc hands during quick look reactions
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_bk_b
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_bk_c
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_fw_a
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_fw_b
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_fw_c
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_lt_a
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_lt_b
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_rt_a
added flag to - ped_bs_ql_rt_b
animations are too similar so the video only shows "ped_bs_ql_bk_a" as an example
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_a - hides weapons in npc hands during idle animations
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_acm
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_b
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_c
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_grf
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_grfm
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_hair
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_j
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_sa
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_str
added flag to - ped_bs_sd_idle_tis

animations are too similar so the video only shows "ped_bs_sd_idle_a" as an example
added flag to - ped_club_dance_001 - hides weapons and fixes the hands on npcs during dubstep gun dancing animations
added flag to - ped_club_dance_002
added flag to - ped_club_dance_003


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This is actually nice mod, but I have other complain about game thing that annoys me the most. Stucking in animations or states not being able to act or shoot in time. I remember SR2 had less animations, so we had much more freedom of character contol and responsiveness. Im ending up dead mostly bcos of it & its annoying. Like sprinting away from enemy, then another appears infront of you, you need to wait character to stop after sprint, only then you can shoot. Or u started sprinting towards certain target to kill it & get to better position, and random other character standing on the way to your target and u havn't finished sprinting. but rushed to push shoot button, you ending up watching animation how your character performs fight movies around that incedental victim while your targeted enemy shooting you to death. Or after being hit by explosion or random crap that came from behind character is lieing down a bit & after that you watching standing animation... which usually making u dead if there are enemys around. So is there a way to cancel animations to be able to shoot without waiting character stops after sprinting,or rolling, jumping, or standing up animation when character been knocked down to the ground? I've checked some files, and saw anim_files.xtbl have some parametrs, can it help with it? And if it does, which line corresponds to player basic actions? I've found line with <Anim_file><Animation><Filename>player_base_move, but it seems there are not legit parameters to change within that line.
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