The Cure for Myopia v1 ALPHA released

So I've been poking around the chunk files again only this time not with lighting data, but city object data. I promptly noticed something once I started poking around. You can set the render distance of objects in chunks! But unfortunately you can edit the draw distance of city objects in the map editor, and changing the distance of hundreds of thousands of city objects manually just isn't happening. I am focusing my efforts on making a script that fully automates the process of changing the render distance of every object in the chunks that matter(looking at you vacant ocean chunks). Much to my surprise the engine seems to be handling the render distance of objects just fine, at least so far when I multiply the default render distance by four. Now I should clarify that this will only increase the render distance of objects, not NPCs, not vehicles, and not shadows. I don't know how to do any of that stuff. The first place I am prioritizing for the mod is the shopping mall, because lawdy it really needs it.

x2 Render Distance:
x3 Render Distance:
x4 Render Distance:

Here is a comparison of the vanilla render distance, the 2x distance, 3x distance, and 4x distance.




Why is this called 'The Cure for Myopia'?
Myopia is a term for nearsightedness, in other words you can't see things in the distance much like the render distance in Saints Row 2. Also I didn't want to give it a generic name.

When will the next update release?
When it is ready.

Will we be able to set the amount the render distance increases ourselves?
Eventually, I want this mod to be feature complete before I do so.

Can we expect more than just an increased render distance?
YES! I'm hoping to fix various issues around the map as well, like z-fighting and misplaced objects, potentially even increasing the render distance of light sources as well assuming it doesn't tank the performance too bad. Maybe even increase the render distance of shader effects like texture bump maps, as it has some rather noticeable pop-in.

How do I install?
You can install this like you could with any other mod via GOTR, download either the x2, x3, or x4 variant and place the 'chunk_pc' files and put them in '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' and build your patch!

Is GOTR required for this mod?
Nope! You can also just extract the 'patch.vpp_pc' file, place the 'chunk_pc' files to where you extract the patch's contents and re-build the patch using Gibbed tools!

With assistance from:
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Alright so I am releasing version 1 of the mod, but I am not sure how much I recommend it at the moment. We need to figure out how to increase the memory limitations in the game, or streaming limits, or whatever is causing stuff like this when flying in a helicopter.
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Alright, so I need your help because I can't do this by myself. I would like you to respond to this thread with screenshots of things across Stilwater that look buggy and obviously isn't intended by the developers, preferably with an additional screenshot of where it is located on the map. Things like graffiti not being attached to a wall, or flickering curbs as seen here.
Alright, so I need your help because I can't do this by myself. I would like you to respond to this thread with screenshots of things across Stilwater that look buggy and obviously isn't intended by the developers, preferably with an additional screenshot of where it is located on the map. Things like graffiti not being attached to a wall, or flickering curbs as seen here.
This one in the alleyway opposite On The Rag in the Red Light District has an incorrect orientation.

I'm loving this project, btw!
I have it installed directly to the chunkX.vpp_pc packfiles because there are so many files included with the mod (404) that the GotR patch builder takes longer to build the patch (and I'm constantly rebuilding my patch).

In case anyone else wants to do it this way:
- Chunk numbers lesser than 100 go in chunks1.vpp_pc
- Chunk numbers between 100 and 200 go in chunks2.vpp_pc
- Chunk numbers greater than 200 (and any others) go in chunks3.vpp_pc​