Tervel's Saints Row Plugin (Xenia/X360)

Hello everyone, this is a project that I've been working on for a while and I finally think it's time to announce it. This plugin started off as nothing more than a simple restoration of the fine aim, which I'm sure most of you know was cut, but then I started adding more and more things to the table.

There is no ETA for the release, it'll done when it's done. The idea is to finish adding all features and fix some stuff up first, then I want to release the plugin itself and to eventually release the source too once I've cleaned that up. I'm also working on a plugin of this kind for Saints Row 2 as well, with many of the same feature, so that's inevitably going to slow things down a little.


Console Toggle: The original console patch by emoose is built into the plugin now and you can toggle the console on/off using the tilde key. I also have included a workaround of mine that prevents the game from taking inputs when it's closed because that's an issue it had that I guess nobody noticed with the original patch since the console would always be up. Another extra feature is the animation for opening/closing the console being restored. (it's supposed to move in and out of existence)

Rainbow Console: It was possible and so I did it. Absolutely not something that a lot of people are going to be using. 😂

Executor: Opens a keyboard input window which allows you to execute Lua and custom commands as well.

Vehicle Spawner: Lets you spawn vehicles as a custom command through the executor with their internal name, alongside a variant if provided (otherwise it should, on paper, try selecting a random variant). It works for most vehicles but there are a few vehicles the game will just de-spawn and I don't know why. I don't have that issue in Saints Row 2. It also keeps track of your spawned vehicles and deletes the previous spawned vehicle to avoid issues with the streaming system. The vehicles will also fade in and out of existence just because it was possible and I thought it looked cool.

Fine Aim Toggle: Using RS, you can toggle fine aim on/off and it goes the extra mile by forcing you to actually raise your weapon, there are also various checks to prevent you from being able to toggle it and to also get put out of fine aim if they get met, so for example when swimming, tagging, being in a vehicle or sprinting. Last but not least on that front, it reduces recoil but I haven't decided just how much it should get reduced yet.

Weapon .xtbl Switcher: It allows you to swap between numerous .xtbl files on the fly using a controller button combination which means you can have ridiculous modded weapons one second and then have regular vanilla weapons the other. I've only tested it with edits to the vanilla weapons and I cannot guarantee it'd really work with entirely new entries.

Slew Mode: It's a recreation of the original slew mode, or at least how it may have worked. Unfortunately all of the controls for the actual slew mode were taken out of the game which I consider funny because there are so many debug functionalities left in retail. You can move the camera around, adjust its height, rotate it, tilt it and zoom it in and out.

World Freeze: I think it should be rather self-explanatory but it will completely freeze the world in a way that still lets you interact with the slew mode so you can take sick screenshots. It also works in cutscenes but currently it will break cutscene audio when you freeze the world (as in, it'll just stop working so even if you unpause the world the cutscene will remain silent).

Noclip: It's entirely custom and also self-explanatory, You can fly around in any direction, go up and down and go through buildings (meaning you can access whatever may normally be inaccessible). You can also speed it up, but the streaming system is absolutely not a fan of that in particular.

HUD Toggle: Allows you to turn it on/off using your controller.

Havok Frametime Fix: It's based on uzis' discovery so shoutout to him for accidentally finding it. All I simply did was to incorporate it with my logic. Fixes the high framerate issues like objects spazzing out, cutscenes desyncing and the game itself not feeling smooth. With the fix, your framerate will actually represent the level of smoothness you're going to be getting, I might make a standalone plugin for this one in particular just so people don't need to wait for the entire plugin to get finished.

There are various keyboard toggles/hotkeys as part of the idea of the plugin is to turn the keyboard into a cheatboard. The console toggle, rainbow toggle, executor, slew mode, noclip and world freeze are part of that. The other hotkeys are an infinite ammo toggle, invincibility toggle, vehicle repair hotkey and a hotkey to open the cutscene viewer menu. All of the hotkey details will be listed with the release of the plugin.


Huge shoutout to jason098, ermaccer and VP for helping me out, and to all of my friends who have helped me test and will continue doing so.

Here's a really fast showcase that'll hopefully help you picture the above. Doesn't show absolutely everything.

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I don't really know a lot about modding and such, but with this it could be possible to swap character model? For example, playing as the infamous female character Playa ?