Help... hacking side missions.

By the principle w as modified to make Saints Row.The Third, and you can edit some of the side missions: Insurance Fraud, Trail Blazing, Escort, etc. In some initially indicate more time to accomplish the mission (Trail Blazing), in others to increase the rate of increase customer satisfaction or reduce the rate of increase of compromising paparazzi (Escort).

I was doing this in Saints Row 2. Wanted to do with the third part, but deadlocked on most of the side missions do not find the files you want, only that I found it on the escort, files:

but it is not all just revised them but never found the right option to edit cost (increase, decrease number).

You are the experts in this matter, tell me which of the above specified file and what parameters you want to edit it to achieve the desired result (increase the rate of growth in line, and do the opposite for the other).

And also what files are responsible for the other side of the mission: Drug Trafficking, Snatch, Trail Blazing, Mayhem, Insurance Fraud.

P.S. It certainly looks like cheating, but the passage of the missions are difficult because of what actually is not so much fun they bring as contrary irritation.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Oops ... wrong section, please move to Saints Row.The Third
You are searching in the wrong packfile...the .xtbl tables for activities and missions are packed inside sr3_city_0.vpp_pc as far as I remember.Once you unpack sr3_city_0.vpp_pc you have to search for .str2_pc file formats that look like this:_a_tb_nw_01.str2_pc.Now looking at the file example might get you confused but you can easily decode the name of the file to find out which activity corresponds to.The prefix of _a_ stands for "activity".In our case "_a_tb_" stands for "activity trailblazing".The next thing means the location of the activity which in our case is North West (_nw_).And finally the sufix which is a number means the difficulty of the instance,in our example "01" would mean easy.