Angle/Orient/Direction in Saints Row 2

The Angle/Orient/Direction system in Saints Row 2's cts files work like these:
  • 0.00: South
  • 1.55: West
  • 3.15: North
  • 4.70: East
  • Angle value loops to South around ~6.29
I haven't checked thoughtfully yet, but if the angle value is negative, the angle probably moves in counterclockwise.

Here is a rough diagram of angles observed from the game:

I've also created a custom mission "Angle Checker" for SuperUI which warps you to <0,0,0> coordinate and lets you to change angles by pressing E or R keys.


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What do store takeover cam Orient numbers stand for?
In the square brackets containing 3 pairs of the arrow brackets?
What do store takeover cam Orient numbers stand for?
In the square brackets containing 3 pairs of the arrow brackets?
Haven't really messed with this, but my personal guess is that these are "waypoints" of camera rotation during "Store Purchased" screen.
I found the northern Barrio sloppy seconds camera has almost the right angle I want (but still a bit pointing north east)

looking towards the shop as I would like
$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$BAR_slop_cam1"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <211.272858 -1.689102 605.426697>
$Orient:        [<-0.862195 0 0.506576> <-0.041565 0.996628 -0.070744> <-0.504868 -0.082051 -0.859288>]

$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$BAR_slop_cam2"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <219.378922 1.471883 615.440674>
$Orient:        [<-0.824322 0 0.566121> <-0.021860 0.999254 -0.031831> <-0.565699 -0.038615 -0.823708>]

while the Arena rim jobs is probably the same or in similar direction
$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$AR_rim_cam1"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <840.801819 -1.692311 -187.506775>
$Orient:        [<-0.942979 0 0.332851> <-0.042246 0.991913 -0.119685> <-0.330159 -0.126922 -0.935353>]

$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$AR_rim_cam2"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <840.818054 3.855494 -177.225586>
$Orient:        [<-0.928639 0 0.370985> <-0.043165 0.993208 -0.108048> <-0.368465 -0.116351 -0.922332>]

Somehow I got the camera look to the vague south while panning out
$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$AR_volition_cam1"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <835.600000 -2.2 -324.500000>
$Orient:        [<0.98480 0 0.17364> <0 0 0> <-0.17364 0 0.98480>]

$Navpoint:    "shops_sr2_city_$AR_volition_cam2"
$Type:        "floating"
$Pos:            <830.000000 3.1 -304.500000>
$Orient:        [<0.98480 0 0.17364> <0 -0.5 0> <-0.17364 0 0.98480>]
Hopefully something can be found out