Upscaled Full Map Of Stilwater

I'm once again forming a new fanscript, but I really want this one to take place in Stilwater... However I can't get a decent sized image of the full map of Stilwater to make my own edits.

I'm wondering if anyone knows a good way to upscale the image without some of the smaller details getting way to distorted by the AI not knowing how to render it? Eg... After upscaling the map, The Church in Saints Row looks very broken.
I've had a quick look into this recently. My plan was to piece together all the minimap textures into one big full-sized map. Problem is though, they all overlap with each other. (This is desirable in-game for the minimap to transition seamlessly between map chunks). Which means each one has to be matched up carefully with the next one. I might have another go, but I'd need to find the patience.

All of the images for each chunk are included in Masamaru's Chunks Texture Tool.