As part of my investigations into Gang Styles in Saints Row 2 (see; Gang Styles+ | Pimps n' Hos Gang Style: A Ho Lotta Bugs), I wanted to see which other NPCs could replace Saints Gang Style NPCs and still work in cutscenes.
The main requirement for this is that the replacements must use all four of the following Morph_Set names; "white", "black", "hispanic", "asian", as these are what is used by all Saints Gang Style NPCs.
(The only exceptions to this are "snpc_s_pimpho" Soldiers which lack an "asian" Morph_Set, and "snpc_s_private" Soldiers which share their Morph_Set names with "snpc_swat" but still work for some reason.)
The only issue is; There seems to be something else which needs to line up in order for an SNPC replacement to work for this.
For example; snpc_nuclear has all the correct Morph_Set names, but can only replace the following Gang Styles:
Private ("Bodyguards")

If snpc_nuclear replaces the following Gang Styles, they will be invisible in cutscenes, despite sharing the same Morph_Set names:

The files I've attached to this post contain replacements which I know work. These are "npc_beach_male" and "npc_beach_female" (their faces won't animate in cutscenes because they have no SNPC model), "snpc_pimp", and the aforementioned "snpc_nuclear".

Much like GotR's Gang Style replacements, these won't spawn in Cribs, but will spawn on sidewalks. (I can't figure out how to allow them to use Saints Action Nodes.)
Note: snpc_pimp can replace any of the Gang Styles, and still work in cutscenes.
This is a project I hope to expand upon further in the future, if possible.