
This mod makes enemy gang members available as Gang Styles in the in-game Gang Customization menu in the Saints HQ.

1740163018144.png NINE new Gang Styles have been added which use modified versions of Brotherhood, Ronin, and Samedi NPCs! Their gang colours have been changed to purple!
1740163034206.png These NPCs will even spawn in Cribs and be used in Cutscenes! (Special versions of cutscenes from Cutscene Patch v1.3 are included to make this work.)
1740163057247.png Regular Gang Styles will be unavailable while this mod is installed.
1740163098285.png Unlockable Gang Customization options are now permanently unlocked! (This has been done to prevent already unlocked unlockables being re-locked upon installing this mod.)


7zip is required to unpack the folder once downloaded.

Juiced Patch (v7.1.0 or later):
1. Create a new folder inside the "mods" folder in your Saints Row 2 root directory (where SR2_pc.exe is located). Call it "Gang Styles+"
2. Add the following line to "loose.txt": "mods/Gang Styles+"
3. COPY the desired "gang_customization.xtbl" file from the "1. gang_customization" folder.
4. PASTE into the "Gang Styles+" folder you created.
5. COPY all files from the "2. Models" folder.
6. PASTE into the "Gang Styles+" folder you created.
7. Launch Saints Row 2 and enjoy your new Gang Styles!

Gentlemen Of The Row:
1. COPY the desired "gang_customization.xtbl" file from the "1. gang_customization" folder.
2. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
3. COPY all files from the "2. Models" folder.
4. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
5. Rebuild your Gentlemen Of The Row custom patch by double-clicking "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat" and following the instructions.
6. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).
7. Launch Saints Row 2 and enjoy your new Gang Styles!

1. Create a new folder in "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods". Call it "Gang Styles+"
2. COPY the desired "gang_customization.xtbl" file provided by this mod.
3. PASTE into the "Gang Styles+" folder you created.
4. COPY all files from the "2. Models" folder.
5. PASTE into the "Gang Styles+" folder you created.
6. Run "SR2ModManager.exe" and tick the "Gang Styles+" folder you created.
7. Compile your "patch.vpp_pc" and move it from "SR2ModManager_v2.07\patch_vpp_pc_new" into your Saints Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located).
8. Launch Saints Row 2 and enjoy your new Gang Styles!

-Thanks to @M.NE for requesting this mod!
- "Juiced Patch" by the Kobraworks team
- "Gentlemen Of The Row" by IdolNinja (and the GotR Team)
- "SR2ModManager" by Masamaru

Unzipped Folder Size: 102 MB


Lovely work, wish this was already existed in the base game just like in Saints Row 3, btw mind if I ask how did you managed to make these homies spawn in cribs?
Lovely work, wish this was already existed in the base game just like in Saints Row 3, btw mind if I ask how did you managed to make these homies spawn in cribs?
I wasn't expecting it to work, tbh. It was a happy accident coinciding with the way I swapped in the new NPCs.

GotR swaps in NPCs as Saints via the Gang Style Character files ("npc_s_[...]_cha.xtbl"). This is a lightweight solution that merely specifies which model is used by the 80s Gang Style NPCs. Essentially, the game knows they are the incorrect models for the Action Nodes.

This mod instead renames copies of all the Ronin NPCs' files to that of the 80s Gang Style. So whenever they spawn in, as far as the game is concerned, they are 80s NPCs. So they are still permitted to use those Action Nodes.
(The same goes for Brotherhood > Gangster, and Samedi > Sporty.)

It's all kind of a dark art, since most of this system is hard coded (in that all "npc_s_" are interchangeable with one another). I'm still trying to figure it all out.
I see... but can you explain to me how? like in example if I want to replace npc_beach_female's with 80s NPC's and I also want to make em spawn in the cribs, I know how to replace any npc's to gangs but I need to know this one as well, can you help? I mean which file I need to edit? cause I didn't get it at all
I see... but can you explain to me how? like in example if I want to replace npc_beach_female's with 80s NPC's and I also want to make em spawn in the cribs, I know how to replace any npc's to gangs but I need to know this one as well, can you help? I mean which file I need to edit? cause I didn't get it at all
Like I said, I'm still trying to work it all out myself. When I get the chance, I'll work on this project some more, which is aiming to do exactly what you're asking.

You can also check out my NPC guide to learn about NPC files, and how they interact. (This mod does do things a little differently though.)
I like the mod so far, it reminds me of SRTT's gang customization, always liked how you can sorta recruit remnants of rival gang members, sparring their lives in exchange they work for you

Also I got many questions, how do you edit the npc models? Like change up their clothing colors? Because I can't seem to extract the cvtf files, to be xtbl so I can edit them

Also, how did you add the fleur de lis to the Ronin jackets? Was it part of another mod of yours?