Before we start: This is not an attempt to replace N69's work.
Have fun editing your music and a special thank you to N69.
Working With Weapon Audio
Adding New XSB/XWB Files And Making Them Play In Game
For now all these goals are unattainable. As to why the
short answer is that we do not have the proper tools. There is
the matter of the missing audio_cruncher and possibly another
version of Xact that is needed. (My guess is that it would
have to be at least from 2006/2007. The reason I think so is
that the music would have taken quite a while to amass and
re-encode not to mention the part about adding audio banks
and writing those radio and music.xtbl entries.)
For more on the issue see:
and the Xen-tax discussions for why that is so (Located in the 'Useful Reading' section
Working With Weapon Audio
Adding New XSB/XWB Files And Making Them Play In Game
For now all these goals are unattainable. As to why the
short answer is that we do not have the proper tools. There is
the matter of the missing audio_cruncher and possibly another
version of Xact that is needed. (My guess is that it would
have to be at least from 2006/2007. The reason I think so is
that the music would have taken quite a while to amass and
re-encode not to mention the part about adding audio banks
and writing those radio and music.xtbl entries.)
For more on the issue see:
SR2 - Any chance for better audio quality?
Saints Row 2 on PC has had most of it's roughness ironed out. Now with the upcoming SDK that will unlock so much more of this epic game. Even more so than the already excellent Gentlemen of the Row & epic modding community. Thanks to you dudes too. ;) On aspect that that really hurts this...

and the Xen-tax discussions for why that is so (Located in the 'Useful Reading' section
I will share the steps that I take to replace music. Some of which are optional
It will be totally up to the modder how closely they follow them.
First we need to decide how much music we are going to replace. I will be doing a
total musical rebuild, but some people may only want a radio station
or even just a song or two. either way the process is the same.
The xactxtract file is for those people who are working with the PC audio banks which we are.
For people using Xbox audio banks there is a program in the SR2SOUNDTOOLS.7z file called towav
that works for you.
=== Optional Files ===
A full track listing for the station that you are replacing. You will need to know
which files are phone calls, which are intros and outros and which ones are the songs.
(You'll probably have to make this yourself) A cheat sheet to keep track of which songs
have been changed already. (There are samples of both in the Part
First Steps: Unpacking the Audio.
Unpack wherever you wish. I just usually use my desktop
Now open your Saints Row 2 Game Folder. Create a folder called originals and copy
Music1.vpp_pc, Music2.vpp_pc, Music3.vpp_pc Music4_vpp_pc and audio.vpp_pc into it. Also
unpack common.vpp_pc and place a copy of radio.xtbl and music.xtbl, Foley.xtbl as well as
the audio_banks*.xtbls and radio_groups*.xtbls in this folder. We will leave these files
Note: If in Gentlemen Of The Row use the files located in the mod folders (radio.xtbl is in optional_mod_stuff/modified and the music.xtbl is in optional_mod_stuff/optional_mods.
There are four flavors of music.xtbl available. They are located in the folders:
music_all_original, music_pause_coconuts, music_pause_original and music_pause_tchoupa
(The difference between music all original and music pause original is that music all
original leaves the start screen music at K-Rhyme while music pause original sets the
start screen music to The Mix.)
Now go back to your ThomasJepp tool directory and select ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractPackfileGUI.exe
extract the music file that has your station in it. (Music*.vpp_pc listing - Courtesy Volition)
MUS K12.xwb
MUS 420.xwb
I will be working with music4.vpp_pc. So that is the file that I will extract.
Once that is done I need to move the file that I am working with (MUS AMBIENT.xwb)
into the directory where I unpacked the Xactxtract.rar file then I just need to
run the extract.bat file.
Once you have executed the extract.bat file give it a couple of minutes for everything
to unpack. In this case we are given a folder named MUS AMBIENT with 333 files in it.
They are numbered from 00000 - 00333 we should have 334 files but it turns out that the
program wont unpack certain files and that MUS AMBIENT_00308 is missing. Make note of
this and be sure to check any files you unpack to make sure they are all there.
Now that our files are unpacked we can check our listing. I included it in the zip file.
But it is only good for the MUS_AMBIENT.xwb
Stilwater Caverns Muzak
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_1 - WOMG_0010_02601 - Wonderland Express By Veigar Margeirsson MUS AMBIENT_00019
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_2 - WOMG_0009_01801 - Run From The Hills By Veigar Margeirsson MUS AMBIENT_00010
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_3 - WOMG_0031_01201 - Wizard's Bazaar By Bill Conner[11] MUS AMBIENT_00023
so those numbers 00010, 00019 and 00021 - 00023 are what we want to work with.
(While I have done everything in my power to make sure that these track numbers are
correct it is possible that I have made a mistake. So if in doubt double check my work.
The best way to do this if you are not familiar with the music is to use YouTube. Find
a copy of the original song and compare to the wav file. There will probably be some
quality differences. Sadly some songs may not be available to check.)
Now gather up your music. In this instance we need five songs. Got them?
OK, let's move on.
As I noted earlier you do not need audacity but you do need an audio editor.
One that can convert to wav files. However as it is freeware and readily available
I have included the instructions for Audacity.
Open Audacity and load your mp3 file. Choose export as audio and choose wav from the drop
down box click the button and your file will be converted. (If you are converting from
certain file formats, such as mp4 you will need ffmpeg. Link is included in the tool section.)
Be sure to write down the length of the songs that you are replacing in the minutes (period)
seconds format. Do this for the songs that you are replacing them with as well.
Once your files are converted listen to them. Make sure they are good quality and there are no
defects such as clipping. If they need to be normalized do it now. Audacity can accomplish this by
loading a track into the program, choosing the effects menu and then choosing the normalize option.
As long as all the tracks are normalized to the same level which audacity can set automatically, or
you can adjust them manually all the tracks should be about the same volume. You might want to listen to the tracks again just to make sure that they're not set too high.
If they are ok then you are ready to tag them.
Tagging - Optional Step
Use your favorite music tagging program. I have included links in the tool section.
To use audioshell right click on your wav file and choose audioshell from the explorer
menu. Click on the tag editor option and fill in title and artist. Click OK. That's it.
If you forget which song is which you can either hover your mouse over the track or right
click on it and choose tag editor
Now we are ready to repack our xwb file.
I mentioned earlier that there is a file missing. This is one of the reasons you need a master
list of the radio station contents. In my case I can just replace the file with another one
because I'm redoing all the music anyway, but if you want to keep everything else the same you
will have to know what goes where. Be sure that you replace any missing files because it will
mess up your song listings.
Note: If you are missing files try another extractor like unxwb. The naming convention will be different but you can search for the correct file and rename it using the xactxtract naming
Take your newly renamed wav files and overwrite the old ones in your music directory. In my case
I'll replace MUS AMBIENT_00010, MUS AMBIENT_00019 and MUS AMBIENT_00021 - 00023. Once that is done
you need to use xact3.exe (it is part of the tools you downloaded earlier). Make sure it stays in the folder with it's dll file
The Following instructions are taken directly from N69's tutorial on music extraction and replacement - Courtesy N69
I recommend you read that tutorial as it is very helpful. (Edited slightly for typos and to adjust instructions.)
(Note the original tutorial was working with MUS MIX I have changed the file names to reflect
the current project. Also in step 10 the original setting is ADPCM but the MUS AMBIENT file
actually uses WMA if I remember correctly. So I have changed the instructions to reflect that.
The Proper file to repack is music4.vpp_pc. I changed the instructions to reflect this as well.)
04. Load XACT3.exe
05. Press File->Create New Project. Save it in something like C:\SR2SOUNDTOOLS
06. After creating go to View->View Windows Properties
07. Now you need a create Wave Bank. Press RMB on WaveBanks and Create New Wave Bank
08. In bottom window rename your bank to MUS AMBIENT and set Type to Streaming (it's very important)
09. Now go to Compression Presets tab and create new. You can name it something like SR2
10. Now select needed compression type (WMA is recommended!)
10.1. PCM - no compression. Biggest size of file
10.2. ADPCM (SET Samples Per Block to 512!) - good compression. Not affect in music quality
10.3. WMA - good size. Bad quality (adds wind effect)+ very bugged in SR2. Most music just
stop playing after 45 secs. (This is not an issue for our file - edit by Miscreant)
11. Return to MUS AMBIENT tab and set Compression Preset to SR2 (or what you created)
12. Now in the main MUS AMBIENT (Wave Bank) windows press RMB-Insert Wave Files (or just ctrl+w)
13. Go to File->Build
14. Press Finish
15. After finishing. Go to C:\SR2SOUNDTOOLS\Win and get your newly built MUS AMBIENT.XWB (or
wherever you saved your files.)
16. Pack file again into music4.vpp_pc
Drop the rebuilt MUS AMBIENT.XWB into your unpacked Music4.vpp_pc folder and use
ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.BuildPackfileGUI.exe to rebuild it. Make sure it is named properly
(Music4.vpp_pc). Now take the rebuilt file and overwrite the old one in your Saints Row 2
Directory. (This is why we made backups earlier)
We have two more files that we must edit. Radio.xtbl and Music.xtbl. (Please remember to
back these up if you haven't already. One mistake in the music.xtbl and it will mess up your
game audio.
In Radio.xtbl search for Caverns. You will find this
In order for this station to show up on our radio dial
we need to remove the <Flag>Not Selectable</Flag> line
(modded code)
If you want to change the name of your station just change the
name in the <Name>Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Name> line.
You're Done with Radio.xtbl.
Now on to Music.xtbl
Open the file and search for caverns. Ignore the first instance and find:
If you are unsure of which track is which check your station listing. It also helps
to write down the time on the songs you wish to replace. If You get stuck that may
help you figure it out. All you want to change here is the Play_Time of the tracks.
For instance if your track runs 5 minutes and 3 second you would insert 5.04 (always
give the track an extra second to make sure that it finishes before it stops.)
Now as for the format it is minutes(period)seconds. Be careful to not use a comma
or a colon. It will mess up the sound in your game. All that's left to do is drop
the radio.xtbl and the music.xtbl in your mods folder and recompile your patch.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory
located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled
files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
I can't see a reason why this would bother your game at all. but as usual if concerned
start a new game or at least a new save.
It will be totally up to the modder how closely they follow them.
First we need to decide how much music we are going to replace. I will be doing a
total musical rebuild, but some people may only want a radio station
or even just a song or two. either way the process is the same.
The xactxtract file is for those people who are working with the PC audio banks which we are.
For people using Xbox audio banks there is a program in the SR2SOUNDTOOLS.7z file called towav
that works for you.
=== Optional Files ===
A full track listing for the station that you are replacing. You will need to know
which files are phone calls, which are intros and outros and which ones are the songs.
(You'll probably have to make this yourself) A cheat sheet to keep track of which songs
have been changed already. (There are samples of both in the Part
First Steps: Unpacking the Audio.
Unpack wherever you wish. I just usually use my desktop
Now open your Saints Row 2 Game Folder. Create a folder called originals and copy
Music1.vpp_pc, Music2.vpp_pc, Music3.vpp_pc Music4_vpp_pc and audio.vpp_pc into it. Also
unpack common.vpp_pc and place a copy of radio.xtbl and music.xtbl, Foley.xtbl as well as
the audio_banks*.xtbls and radio_groups*.xtbls in this folder. We will leave these files
Note: If in Gentlemen Of The Row use the files located in the mod folders (radio.xtbl is in optional_mod_stuff/modified and the music.xtbl is in optional_mod_stuff/optional_mods.
There are four flavors of music.xtbl available. They are located in the folders:
music_all_original, music_pause_coconuts, music_pause_original and music_pause_tchoupa
(The difference between music all original and music pause original is that music all
original leaves the start screen music at K-Rhyme while music pause original sets the
start screen music to The Mix.)
Now go back to your ThomasJepp tool directory and select ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractPackfileGUI.exe
extract the music file that has your station in it. (Music*.vpp_pc listing - Courtesy Volition)
MUS K12.xwb
MUS 420.xwb
I will be working with music4.vpp_pc. So that is the file that I will extract.
Once that is done I need to move the file that I am working with (MUS AMBIENT.xwb)
into the directory where I unpacked the Xactxtract.rar file then I just need to
run the extract.bat file.
Once you have executed the extract.bat file give it a couple of minutes for everything
to unpack. In this case we are given a folder named MUS AMBIENT with 333 files in it.
They are numbered from 00000 - 00333 we should have 334 files but it turns out that the
program wont unpack certain files and that MUS AMBIENT_00308 is missing. Make note of
this and be sure to check any files you unpack to make sure they are all there.
Now that our files are unpacked we can check our listing. I included it in the zip file.
But it is only good for the MUS_AMBIENT.xwb
Stilwater Caverns Muzak
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_1 - WOMG_0010_02601 - Wonderland Express By Veigar Margeirsson MUS AMBIENT_00019
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_2 - WOMG_0009_01801 - Run From The Hills By Veigar Margeirsson MUS AMBIENT_00010
AMB_UC_MUZAK_GIFTSHOP_3 - WOMG_0031_01201 - Wizard's Bazaar By Bill Conner[11] MUS AMBIENT_00023
so those numbers 00010, 00019 and 00021 - 00023 are what we want to work with.
(While I have done everything in my power to make sure that these track numbers are
correct it is possible that I have made a mistake. So if in doubt double check my work.
The best way to do this if you are not familiar with the music is to use YouTube. Find
a copy of the original song and compare to the wav file. There will probably be some
quality differences. Sadly some songs may not be available to check.)
Now gather up your music. In this instance we need five songs. Got them?
OK, let's move on.
As I noted earlier you do not need audacity but you do need an audio editor.
One that can convert to wav files. However as it is freeware and readily available
I have included the instructions for Audacity.
Open Audacity and load your mp3 file. Choose export as audio and choose wav from the drop
down box click the button and your file will be converted. (If you are converting from
certain file formats, such as mp4 you will need ffmpeg. Link is included in the tool section.)
Be sure to write down the length of the songs that you are replacing in the minutes (period)
seconds format. Do this for the songs that you are replacing them with as well.
Once your files are converted listen to them. Make sure they are good quality and there are no
defects such as clipping. If they need to be normalized do it now. Audacity can accomplish this by
loading a track into the program, choosing the effects menu and then choosing the normalize option.
As long as all the tracks are normalized to the same level which audacity can set automatically, or
you can adjust them manually all the tracks should be about the same volume. You might want to listen to the tracks again just to make sure that they're not set too high.
If they are ok then you are ready to tag them.
Tagging - Optional Step
Use your favorite music tagging program. I have included links in the tool section.
To use audioshell right click on your wav file and choose audioshell from the explorer
menu. Click on the tag editor option and fill in title and artist. Click OK. That's it.
If you forget which song is which you can either hover your mouse over the track or right
click on it and choose tag editor
Now we are ready to repack our xwb file.
I mentioned earlier that there is a file missing. This is one of the reasons you need a master
list of the radio station contents. In my case I can just replace the file with another one
because I'm redoing all the music anyway, but if you want to keep everything else the same you
will have to know what goes where. Be sure that you replace any missing files because it will
mess up your song listings.
Note: If you are missing files try another extractor like unxwb. The naming convention will be different but you can search for the correct file and rename it using the xactxtract naming
Take your newly renamed wav files and overwrite the old ones in your music directory. In my case
I'll replace MUS AMBIENT_00010, MUS AMBIENT_00019 and MUS AMBIENT_00021 - 00023. Once that is done
you need to use xact3.exe (it is part of the tools you downloaded earlier). Make sure it stays in the folder with it's dll file
The Following instructions are taken directly from N69's tutorial on music extraction and replacement - Courtesy N69
I recommend you read that tutorial as it is very helpful. (Edited slightly for typos and to adjust instructions.)
(Note the original tutorial was working with MUS MIX I have changed the file names to reflect
the current project. Also in step 10 the original setting is ADPCM but the MUS AMBIENT file
actually uses WMA if I remember correctly. So I have changed the instructions to reflect that.
The Proper file to repack is music4.vpp_pc. I changed the instructions to reflect this as well.)
04. Load XACT3.exe
05. Press File->Create New Project. Save it in something like C:\SR2SOUNDTOOLS
06. After creating go to View->View Windows Properties
07. Now you need a create Wave Bank. Press RMB on WaveBanks and Create New Wave Bank
08. In bottom window rename your bank to MUS AMBIENT and set Type to Streaming (it's very important)
09. Now go to Compression Presets tab and create new. You can name it something like SR2
10. Now select needed compression type (WMA is recommended!)
10.1. PCM - no compression. Biggest size of file
10.2. ADPCM (SET Samples Per Block to 512!) - good compression. Not affect in music quality
10.3. WMA - good size. Bad quality (adds wind effect)+ very bugged in SR2. Most music just
stop playing after 45 secs. (This is not an issue for our file - edit by Miscreant)
11. Return to MUS AMBIENT tab and set Compression Preset to SR2 (or what you created)
12. Now in the main MUS AMBIENT (Wave Bank) windows press RMB-Insert Wave Files (or just ctrl+w)
13. Go to File->Build
14. Press Finish
15. After finishing. Go to C:\SR2SOUNDTOOLS\Win and get your newly built MUS AMBIENT.XWB (or
wherever you saved your files.)
16. Pack file again into music4.vpp_pc
Drop the rebuilt MUS AMBIENT.XWB into your unpacked Music4.vpp_pc folder and use
ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.BuildPackfileGUI.exe to rebuild it. Make sure it is named properly
(Music4.vpp_pc). Now take the rebuilt file and overwrite the old one in your Saints Row 2
Directory. (This is why we made backups earlier)
We have two more files that we must edit. Radio.xtbl and Music.xtbl. (Please remember to
back these up if you haven't already. One mistake in the music.xtbl and it will mess up your
game audio.
In Radio.xtbl search for Caverns. You will find this
<Name>Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Name>
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
<Category>Ambient Stations</Category>
In order for this station to show up on our radio dial
we need to remove the <Flag>Not Selectable</Flag> line
(modded code)
<Name>Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Name>
<Category>Ambient Stations</Category>
If you want to change the name of your station just change the
name in the <Name>Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Name> line.
You're Done with Radio.xtbl.
Now on to Music.xtbl
Open the file and search for caverns. Ignore the first instance and find:
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Ambient_Stations:Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Ambient_Stations:Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Ambient_Stations:Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Ambient_Stations:Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Ambient_Stations:Stilwater Caverns Muzak</Category>
If you are unsure of which track is which check your station listing. It also helps
to write down the time on the songs you wish to replace. If You get stuck that may
help you figure it out. All you want to change here is the Play_Time of the tracks.
For instance if your track runs 5 minutes and 3 second you would insert 5.04 (always
give the track an extra second to make sure that it finishes before it stops.)
Now as for the format it is minutes(period)seconds. Be careful to not use a comma
or a colon. It will mess up the sound in your game. All that's left to do is drop
the radio.xtbl and the music.xtbl in your mods folder and recompile your patch.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory
located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled
files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
I can't see a reason why this would bother your game at all. but as usual if concerned
start a new game or at least a new save.
Part 2 Working With Radio Stations
I will be working with Krunch Fm.
Here are the steps involved:
01. Unpack music1.vpp_pc
02. Extract Krunch.xwb using Xactxtract
03. Creating a track list
04. Creating a cheat sheet to list your music
05. Creating replacement tracks - vocal
06. Creating replacement tracks - silent
07. Music conversion
08. Track replacement
09. Repacking the xwb file
10. Repacking the vpp_pc file
11. Replacing the file in the game folder
12. Editing Music.xtbl
13. Compiling Patch
14. Moving Patch To Game Folder
Since items 1,2,4 and 7 - 14 is covered in part 1 we will be
focusing on parts 3,5 and 6. Note: All of these steps are optional
they will just make your job a little easier.
3. Creating Your track list. This step may take some time to do
but if you get lost or confused it can save you some work and
worry later on. (I'm including a sample file for Krunch Fm in the
Part 2 zip file to show what I mean. You might want to check the
song order for mistakes (entries 71 - 84)
Just create a text file called Krunch Track Listing Original (or
something similar) and listen to the original tracks writing down
the wav file name and what is contains.
4. The Cheat Sheet. A blank page that allows you to write down the music
and sound files that you have chosen to use.
For Numbers 5 and 6, should you choose to do them the way I do you will need
ESpeak (Link in tool section.)
(Linux Instructions)
To use Espeak: Feed espeak your text file using the -f option, then use the
--stdout option and redirect its data stream to file to create a valid wav
file that plays correctly in any audio player.
espeak -f mytext --stdout > myaudio
For a blank file create an empty text file called mytext
then open a terminal in the directory with the file in it.
run the Espeak command listed above and it will create a
blank wav file.
To Create An Electronic DJ just add words to your text.
Be sure to name your wav files properly then replace the
old files with them.
(Windows Instructions)
To use Espeak Open your start menu or click on the desktop shortcut for
TTSApp. A Window will pop up. For a blank wav file leave the windows
blank and press the 'Save To Wav' button
To create an Electronic DJ just enter text in the box then click the
'Save To Wav' button.
That's it for this section.
I will be working with Krunch Fm.
Here are the steps involved:
01. Unpack music1.vpp_pc
02. Extract Krunch.xwb using Xactxtract
03. Creating a track list
04. Creating a cheat sheet to list your music
05. Creating replacement tracks - vocal
06. Creating replacement tracks - silent
07. Music conversion
08. Track replacement
09. Repacking the xwb file
10. Repacking the vpp_pc file
11. Replacing the file in the game folder
12. Editing Music.xtbl
13. Compiling Patch
14. Moving Patch To Game Folder
Since items 1,2,4 and 7 - 14 is covered in part 1 we will be
focusing on parts 3,5 and 6. Note: All of these steps are optional
they will just make your job a little easier.
3. Creating Your track list. This step may take some time to do
but if you get lost or confused it can save you some work and
worry later on. (I'm including a sample file for Krunch Fm in the
Part 2 zip file to show what I mean. You might want to check the
song order for mistakes (entries 71 - 84)
Just create a text file called Krunch Track Listing Original (or
something similar) and listen to the original tracks writing down
the wav file name and what is contains.
4. The Cheat Sheet. A blank page that allows you to write down the music
and sound files that you have chosen to use.
For Numbers 5 and 6, should you choose to do them the way I do you will need
ESpeak (Link in tool section.)
(Linux Instructions)
To use Espeak: Feed espeak your text file using the -f option, then use the
--stdout option and redirect its data stream to file to create a valid wav
file that plays correctly in any audio player.
espeak -f mytext --stdout > myaudio
For a blank file create an empty text file called mytext
then open a terminal in the directory with the file in it.
run the Espeak command listed above and it will create a
blank wav file.
To Create An Electronic DJ just add words to your text.
Be sure to name your wav files properly then replace the
old files with them.
(Windows Instructions)
To use Espeak Open your start menu or click on the desktop shortcut for
TTSApp. A Window will pop up. For a blank wav file leave the windows
blank and press the 'Save To Wav' button
To create an Electronic DJ just enter text in the box then click the
'Save To Wav' button.
That's it for this section.
Unpack audio.vpp_pc using the ThomasJepp tools and then find a file to change.
I chose BIKE_EXOTIC01 which is the Kaneda.
Using unxwb:
Place the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file in the same directory where you unpacked unxwb and
drag the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file onto the unxwb.exe. You will get a screen asking
where you wish to unpack the files. If you just hit enter they will unpack in the
current directory.
Using xactextract:
Place the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file in the same directory where you unpacked xactextract
and run the extract.bat file. They will unpack in the BIKE_EXOTIC01 directory.
Once they are unpacked listen to them and make sure they are ok. You can use audacity for this
or one of the audio players listed in the tools section of the appendix assuming that your own
audio player doesn't work.
Once you are sure that they extracted properly then you are ready to begin. For our purposes
we will just increase the volume on the files using the amplify option in Audacity's effects menu.
But you could also just replace the wav file with another one. Make sure that it is loud enough
to be heard in game.
Make certain that the file(s) are renamed properly then open up Xacttool and follow the instructions
- courtesy N69
The settings you will need in this case are: InMemory and No Compression.
Once your xwb file is created drop it back in your audio.vpp_pc older and use the
ThomasJepp tools to repack it.
Note: Before you replace the audio.vpp_pc folder in your Saints Row 2 Directory make sure to
backup the original file.
I chose BIKE_EXOTIC01 which is the Kaneda.
Using unxwb:
Place the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file in the same directory where you unpacked unxwb and
drag the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file onto the unxwb.exe. You will get a screen asking
where you wish to unpack the files. If you just hit enter they will unpack in the
current directory.
Using xactextract:
Place the BIKE_EXOTIC01.xwb file in the same directory where you unpacked xactextract
and run the extract.bat file. They will unpack in the BIKE_EXOTIC01 directory.
Once they are unpacked listen to them and make sure they are ok. You can use audacity for this
or one of the audio players listed in the tools section of the appendix assuming that your own
audio player doesn't work.
Once you are sure that they extracted properly then you are ready to begin. For our purposes
we will just increase the volume on the files using the amplify option in Audacity's effects menu.
But you could also just replace the wav file with another one. Make sure that it is loud enough
to be heard in game.
Make certain that the file(s) are renamed properly then open up Xacttool and follow the instructions
- courtesy N69
The settings you will need in this case are: InMemory and No Compression.
Once your xwb file is created drop it back in your audio.vpp_pc older and use the
ThomasJepp tools to repack it.
Note: Before you replace the audio.vpp_pc folder in your Saints Row 2 Directory make sure to
backup the original file.
Part 4 Adding A Custom Radio Station Using Ingame Assets
(Edit 10.09.2024 - A Better Method immediately follows this one in the Addendum section.)
Other Mods That Add Radio Stations: Gentlemen Of The Row, NovaSPE etc..
I know I am missing a few.
The way I figured out how to do it, without changing one
of the ingame stations (method covered in Part 1),
is to use the MY MUSIC entry in the Radio.xtbl. (Note: If
you do this you will not be able to add music
through the in game playlist editor because you will have to
remove the flag that makes the station editable.
The other side of that statement is that you have already built
a custom playlist and won't need to create one in the game.
First let's take a look at the Radio.xtbl file.
(I am using the version from Gentlemen Of The Row
but the part of the file we are looking at should
be the same in the vanilla version.)
Open the file in a text editor and search for 'My'
Here is the entry in it's original form:
<Name>MY RADIO 85.5</Name>
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
<Flag>Is Customizable</Flag>
First notice that the playlist is empty. That makes
sense because this is the in game radio station that plays
the custom playlists that you create with music purchased from Scratch That.
We also notice that the category is Special. This will have to
be changed so that this will behave like a normal radio station.
The Not Selectable and Is Customizable flags will have to be removed
and should you choose to do so the station name changed.
Ok. Station name first. I'll call mine Miscreant Fm. Name yours to
suit you. Then I'll scroll through the list to see what the category
entry is for normal radio stations. Turns out it's Radio Stations.
The flags will need to be removed because you can't have an empty playlist
that already has entries in it. And the not selectable flag needs to be removed
so that it will show up in the station list. Lastly change the display name to suit
With all of that out of the way we are ready to add music. Keep in mind that
the music we will be adding is already present on other radio stations. We will
not be adding anything new here.
Now it's time to make my song list. Picking a few at random
I have come up with:
Karma Chameleon
Cielito Lindo
Kalamazoo Style
A Girl Like You
Good Girl
Working for the weekend
That is enough music to start with.
The Radio stations in game use a particular naming system
that lists station group designation and track number.
So now we will have to figure out what our song group and number is.
Open radio_groups.xtbl (available in common.vpp_pc) and search for
your song. Sometime the entry is under the artists name and sometimes
under the song title. (You can also find them in music.xtbl)
Searching for Chameleon I find that it is 10777MIX_A_2
so that makes our list
Karma Chameleon : 10777MIX_A_2
Cielito Lindo : 1050_easy_A_5
Good Girl : 954KRH_B_2
Kalamazoo Style : 1050_easy_B_6
A Girl Like You : 1050_easy_B_3
Working For The Weekend : 10777MIX_B_2
Ok, Now that we have our track info we can move on to
building the station.
Here is a sample radio station. Nothing but music.
Now we just have to get the station to play ingame.
Open up Radio.xtbl and find the 'MY RADIO' entry
we are going to edit it.
That's it.
Since I have written the section above on changing the My Radio entry to create
a "new" station I have figured out how to add other stations. Note that the above
method won't let you turn off the radio. The method listed below fixes that issue.
(I will leave the above section about modding a station as a primer)
Here are the two stations that I have added:
For Rhinestone FM I have taken the name of the complete sound bank
not just individual songs within. It works the same way.
The trick to making this work is in the slot number. Make sure that they are
in the correct order.
I have included a slot listing in the 'Quick References' section.
The "normal" stations end at number 49 so to make your station work set
it at slot 50 then the next station to 51 etc.I am not sure if there is a limit to
the number of stations that can be added.
Note If someone were interested in doing so this method could be used to
add music to an existing radio station and possibly remove music as well.
There is also the possibility to change the radio station programming by
changing which songs play on which stations. (IE removing a song from
one radio station and placing it in the playlist of another.)
The files in part are a copy of my radio.xtbl (for study), A copy
of the Music Slot Table and a copy of the flags and categories entries.
Note: My radio.xtbl is based on the vanilla game. so if you use
it in game it will replace any modded radio.xtbl you were already
using such as the one from GOTR.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE'
directory located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it.
Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
(Edit 10.09.2024 - A Better Method immediately follows this one in the Addendum section.)
Other Mods That Add Radio Stations: Gentlemen Of The Row, NovaSPE etc..
I know I am missing a few.
The way I figured out how to do it, without changing one
of the ingame stations (method covered in Part 1),
is to use the MY MUSIC entry in the Radio.xtbl. (Note: If
you do this you will not be able to add music
through the in game playlist editor because you will have to
remove the flag that makes the station editable.
The other side of that statement is that you have already built
a custom playlist and won't need to create one in the game.
First let's take a look at the Radio.xtbl file.
(I am using the version from Gentlemen Of The Row
but the part of the file we are looking at should
be the same in the vanilla version.)
Open the file in a text editor and search for 'My'
Here is the entry in it's original form:
<Name>MY RADIO 85.5</Name>
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
<Flag>Is Customizable</Flag>
First notice that the playlist is empty. That makes
sense because this is the in game radio station that plays
the custom playlists that you create with music purchased from Scratch That.
We also notice that the category is Special. This will have to
be changed so that this will behave like a normal radio station.
The Not Selectable and Is Customizable flags will have to be removed
and should you choose to do so the station name changed.
Ok. Station name first. I'll call mine Miscreant Fm. Name yours to
suit you. Then I'll scroll through the list to see what the category
entry is for normal radio stations. Turns out it's Radio Stations.
The flags will need to be removed because you can't have an empty playlist
that already has entries in it. And the not selectable flag needs to be removed
so that it will show up in the station list. Lastly change the display name to suit
With all of that out of the way we are ready to add music. Keep in mind that
the music we will be adding is already present on other radio stations. We will
not be adding anything new here.
Now it's time to make my song list. Picking a few at random
I have come up with:
Karma Chameleon
Cielito Lindo
Kalamazoo Style
A Girl Like You
Good Girl
Working for the weekend
That is enough music to start with.
The Radio stations in game use a particular naming system
that lists station group designation and track number.
So now we will have to figure out what our song group and number is.
Open radio_groups.xtbl (available in common.vpp_pc) and search for
your song. Sometime the entry is under the artists name and sometimes
under the song title. (You can also find them in music.xtbl)
Searching for Chameleon I find that it is 10777MIX_A_2
so that makes our list
Karma Chameleon : 10777MIX_A_2
Cielito Lindo : 1050_easy_A_5
Good Girl : 954KRH_B_2
Kalamazoo Style : 1050_easy_B_6
A Girl Like You : 1050_easy_B_3
Working For The Weekend : 10777MIX_B_2
Ok, Now that we have our track info we can move on to
building the station.
Here is a sample radio station. Nothing but music.
<Name>Miscreant Fm</Name>
<Category>Radio Stations</Category>
Now we just have to get the station to play ingame.
Open up Radio.xtbl and find the 'MY RADIO' entry
we are going to edit it.
<Category>Radio Stations</Category>
<display_name>107.9 Miscreant Fm</display_name>
That's it.
Since I have written the section above on changing the My Radio entry to create
a "new" station I have figured out how to add other stations. Note that the above
method won't let you turn off the radio. The method listed below fixes that issue.
(I will leave the above section about modding a station as a primer)
Here are the two stations that I have added:
<Name>107.9 CITY SOUNDS FM</Name>
<Category>Radio Stations</Category>
<Name>Rhinestone FM</Name>
<Category>Radio Stations</Category>
<display_name>Rhinestone Fm</display_name>
For Rhinestone FM I have taken the name of the complete sound bank
not just individual songs within. It works the same way.
The trick to making this work is in the slot number. Make sure that they are
in the correct order.
I have included a slot listing in the 'Quick References' section.
The "normal" stations end at number 49 so to make your station work set
it at slot 50 then the next station to 51 etc.I am not sure if there is a limit to
the number of stations that can be added.
Note If someone were interested in doing so this method could be used to
add music to an existing radio station and possibly remove music as well.
There is also the possibility to change the radio station programming by
changing which songs play on which stations. (IE removing a song from
one radio station and placing it in the playlist of another.)
The files in part are a copy of my radio.xtbl (for study), A copy
of the Music Slot Table and a copy of the flags and categories entries.
Note: My radio.xtbl is based on the vanilla game. so if you use
it in game it will replace any modded radio.xtbl you were already
using such as the one from GOTR.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE'
directory located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it.
Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
Part 5: Adding Back Removed Assets
The Following is being shared only for educational purposes.
I am not suggesting in any way, shape or form that someone should
take this information and use it to acquire and/or use assets that
they do not already own.
Note: This file assumes that you will be using Xactxtract to unpack your
xwb file. Unxwb has a different naming scheme not covered in this tutorial
Let's say that my favorite game was "Tombstone Alley" and that within
that game there was a radio station called "Slurp Fm" If I wanted to
recreate that radio station within Saints Row 2 it would not be an
impossible task as long as I kept a couple of things in mind.
1. It would not be an exact duplicate of the aforementioned radio station
2. There would be no DJs, adverts or News briefs unless I added them myself
That being said, in the interest of education I will share a technique that
could be used to add said Radio Station.
Before we begin: Make a list of the tracks that you are replacing and
that you are replacing them with. Make sure that you include the track times
You will need this list later.
The first step is finding an existing radio station in game that can be
replaced with your new content. For this I suggest one of the ambient
radio stations. I have chosen classical filtered because it has 24 tracks
attached to it. Since Slurp Fm has 19 tracks then all we would have
to do is find an extra five tracks to add to the station.
So as an example if I wanted to hear The Mathematics sing about cognac
or Sy Smith singing about her bank balance all I would have to do is
take my source files and prepare them to replace the original classical
Once you have amassed your music you must decide if you will add a DJ,
commercials or news breaks to your station. If you decide that you wish
to do so then there are two possible ways.
1. Replace one of your songs with the DJ, commercial or News break.
2. Join the files together by adding the DJ, or whatever, to the end of the track.
If your music is in the mp3 format, then you can use MP3Gain (link in tools section)
to normalize it.
If your music is in the wav format or you don't wish to use Mp3Gain then use Audacity.
Load your file and press Ctrl + A to select it, then open the Effect Menu and select Amplify. (The following picture is Audacity the file
I was working with was called Hilltop.)
Start MP3Gain then click the 'Add Files' button. Once the window opens navigate
to your mp3 directory and choose your files. Once they are loaded click on the
analysis option and then choose 'Album Analysis. Once that has finished click on the
'Modify Gain' button and then click on 'Album Gain' this will normalize your tracks
all to the same level. (Here's a tip to help you. Before you analyze and apply your gain
make sure that you put one of the tracks that you are going to replace in the folder with
the music you will be replacing it with. Since that old song is probably a wav file remember
to convert it to mp3 using audacity. The reason we put in the old file is so that when the tracks are analyzed and the gain is applied it will be at least as loud as the files you are replacing. Once you are done normalizing you can delete the old file.
Once your tracks are normalized then you can add the DJ to the existing song in Audacity.
Load up two copies of Audacity. The first one should have your song in it, the second
should contain any audio you want to add to the song. In the first window place the
line at the end of the song then click on the second window. Select your audio by using
Control + A. Once it is selected then click on the edit menu and choose copy. Now go back
to your first window, click edit and choose paste. Once it is done play your selection and
make sure that it is correct. If it is export to wav file.
Once all your music is ready to go then listen to it. Make sure there are no flaws, if all
is well then convert it all to wav (making sure that it is named properly (ie MUS AMBIENT_
Followed By The proper number) drop it back in the MUS AMBIENT folder and refer to the steps
in part 1 about using Xact3 to create your xwb file. Once your xwb is created then place it
back in the music4.vpp_pc folder and use ThomasJepp tools to rebuild it.
Drop the newly built Music4.vpp_pc file in your Saints Row 2 game folder (after making sure
that the original is backed up. Please do not skip this step. The Xact program is cranky and
if it misbehaves and you don't have a backup then you're out of luck and you will most likely
be reinstalling your game.)
Alright, now we edit the radio.xtbl and search for classical. When you find it the first part of the
entry will look like this
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
You will want to change the name of your station and remove the Not Selectable flag
<Name>Slurp Fm</Name>
Ok save your work. You are done with that file.
Open Music.xtbl and search for classical. Here is part of the first entry
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
Note the numbers are not in sequence. This is not a typo 6 is before 1 in the file.
Ok this is where that list comes in handy. Check your list and change the time on the
track that you have replaced. DO NOT change anything else. The entries are in the
MINUTE (period) SECOND format do not use colons or commas it will mess your game audio up.
When changing the track times always be sure to add an extra second. That way the song will
make sure to be over with before it cuts off.)
Note: For those wondering there is no need to touch the xsb files. This method of modding
will not effect them in any way.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE'
directory located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it.
Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
Sometimes when trying to use Xact3 you will receive an error along the lines of: "invalid file type" or "unknown error". What seems to be happening (at least when I have received those errors) is that the program doesn't like the formatting of a certain file or set of files. The way I fix this is to just re-encode the file in question by loading it in Audacity and exporting as a wav file. This seems to solve the problem.
The Following is being shared only for educational purposes.
I am not suggesting in any way, shape or form that someone should
take this information and use it to acquire and/or use assets that
they do not already own.
Note: This file assumes that you will be using Xactxtract to unpack your
xwb file. Unxwb has a different naming scheme not covered in this tutorial
Let's say that my favorite game was "Tombstone Alley" and that within
that game there was a radio station called "Slurp Fm" If I wanted to
recreate that radio station within Saints Row 2 it would not be an
impossible task as long as I kept a couple of things in mind.
1. It would not be an exact duplicate of the aforementioned radio station
2. There would be no DJs, adverts or News briefs unless I added them myself
That being said, in the interest of education I will share a technique that
could be used to add said Radio Station.
Before we begin: Make a list of the tracks that you are replacing and
that you are replacing them with. Make sure that you include the track times
You will need this list later.
The first step is finding an existing radio station in game that can be
replaced with your new content. For this I suggest one of the ambient
radio stations. I have chosen classical filtered because it has 24 tracks
attached to it. Since Slurp Fm has 19 tracks then all we would have
to do is find an extra five tracks to add to the station.
So as an example if I wanted to hear The Mathematics sing about cognac
or Sy Smith singing about her bank balance all I would have to do is
take my source files and prepare them to replace the original classical
Once you have amassed your music you must decide if you will add a DJ,
commercials or news breaks to your station. If you decide that you wish
to do so then there are two possible ways.
1. Replace one of your songs with the DJ, commercial or News break.
2. Join the files together by adding the DJ, or whatever, to the end of the track.
If your music is in the mp3 format, then you can use MP3Gain (link in tools section)
to normalize it.
If your music is in the wav format or you don't wish to use Mp3Gain then use Audacity.
Load your file and press Ctrl + A to select it, then open the Effect Menu and select Amplify. (The following picture is Audacity the file
I was working with was called Hilltop.)
Start MP3Gain then click the 'Add Files' button. Once the window opens navigate
to your mp3 directory and choose your files. Once they are loaded click on the
analysis option and then choose 'Album Analysis. Once that has finished click on the
'Modify Gain' button and then click on 'Album Gain' this will normalize your tracks
all to the same level. (Here's a tip to help you. Before you analyze and apply your gain
make sure that you put one of the tracks that you are going to replace in the folder with
the music you will be replacing it with. Since that old song is probably a wav file remember
to convert it to mp3 using audacity. The reason we put in the old file is so that when the tracks are analyzed and the gain is applied it will be at least as loud as the files you are replacing. Once you are done normalizing you can delete the old file.
Once your tracks are normalized then you can add the DJ to the existing song in Audacity.
Load up two copies of Audacity. The first one should have your song in it, the second
should contain any audio you want to add to the song. In the first window place the
line at the end of the song then click on the second window. Select your audio by using
Control + A. Once it is selected then click on the edit menu and choose copy. Now go back
to your first window, click edit and choose paste. Once it is done play your selection and
make sure that it is correct. If it is export to wav file.
Once all your music is ready to go then listen to it. Make sure there are no flaws, if all
is well then convert it all to wav (making sure that it is named properly (ie MUS AMBIENT_
Followed By The proper number) drop it back in the MUS AMBIENT folder and refer to the steps
in part 1 about using Xact3 to create your xwb file. Once your xwb is created then place it
back in the music4.vpp_pc folder and use ThomasJepp tools to rebuild it.
Drop the newly built Music4.vpp_pc file in your Saints Row 2 game folder (after making sure
that the original is backed up. Please do not skip this step. The Xact program is cranky and
if it misbehaves and you don't have a backup then you're out of luck and you will most likely
be reinstalling your game.)
Alright, now we edit the radio.xtbl and search for classical. When you find it the first part of the
entry will look like this
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
You will want to change the name of your station and remove the Not Selectable flag
<Name>Slurp Fm</Name>
Ok save your work. You are done with that file.
Open Music.xtbl and search for classical. Here is part of the first entry
<AudioBanks>MUS AMBIENT</AudioBanks>
Note the numbers are not in sequence. This is not a typo 6 is before 1 in the file.
Ok this is where that list comes in handy. Check your list and change the time on the
track that you have replaced. DO NOT change anything else. The entries are in the
MINUTE (period) SECOND format do not use colons or commas it will mess your game audio up.
When changing the track times always be sure to add an extra second. That way the song will
make sure to be over with before it cuts off.)
Note: For those wondering there is no need to touch the xsb files. This method of modding
will not effect them in any way.
Drop the edited files in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE'
directory located in Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it.
Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2 folder.
Sometimes when trying to use Xact3 you will receive an error along the lines of: "invalid file type" or "unknown error". What seems to be happening (at least when I have received those errors) is that the program doesn't like the formatting of a certain file or set of files. The way I fix this is to just re-encode the file in question by loading it in Audacity and exporting as a wav file. This seems to solve the problem.
-Adding New Music To A Radio Station Without A Lot Of Fuss
Please note that the more music you add the more compression you
will have to use to keep the file size down, and low compression
leads to low music quality.
Also note that in using this method
your new music may not play on every rotation. Since you are
replacing one of two possible intros and outros then what yo hear will
depend on the song in that slot.
If you are willing to trade quality for quantity then here is
a method to do so, that will work without you having to rewrite the
whole music.xtbl. (Note This is for music you are adding to the game
yourself via modding, although the method should work just as well for
assets already in game.
Let's take the 99.0 Underground station for an example. There are 13 song
slots 00000 - 00012 (Xactxtract numbering) but I had 20 songs that I
wanted to put on the station so what I did was I repurposed some of the
Dj dialog slots. I substituted a few of the song intros and outros
with other songs. Then I just changed the times for those songs in
the music.xtbl
An example of how this could work is the Mix. There was a cut song
called 'The Safety Dance' If one of the song intros or outros got
overwritten and the time changed in the music file then that song
could be added back into the game without a lot of trouble.
That being said, just to cover my derriere, I in no way, shape or
form condone piracy, so any actions you take on the matter are your own
and I am not responsible.
Please note that the more music you add the more compression you
will have to use to keep the file size down, and low compression
leads to low music quality.
Also note that in using this method
your new music may not play on every rotation. Since you are
replacing one of two possible intros and outros then what yo hear will
depend on the song in that slot.
If you are willing to trade quality for quantity then here is
a method to do so, that will work without you having to rewrite the
whole music.xtbl. (Note This is for music you are adding to the game
yourself via modding, although the method should work just as well for
assets already in game.
Let's take the 99.0 Underground station for an example. There are 13 song
slots 00000 - 00012 (Xactxtract numbering) but I had 20 songs that I
wanted to put on the station so what I did was I repurposed some of the
Dj dialog slots. I substituted a few of the song intros and outros
with other songs. Then I just changed the times for those songs in
the music.xtbl
An example of how this could work is the Mix. There was a cut song
called 'The Safety Dance' If one of the song intros or outros got
overwritten and the time changed in the music file then that song
could be added back into the game without a lot of trouble.
That being said, just to cover my derriere, I in no way, shape or
form condone piracy, so any actions you take on the matter are your own
and I am not responsible.
Removing Items From A Radio Station Playlist
Here is an edited music.xtbl entry for the Underground Pirate Radio
It removes all requests. There are no news breaks, and the sweepers
are removed as well. It does still play intros and outros and
The reason I edited this file was so that my added tracks. The ones that
replace song intros and outros would play more often. As there is less
other stuff to play.
By studying them both you cab see what needs to be removed and how to do s
Here is an edited music.xtbl entry for the Underground Pirate Radio
It removes all requests. There are no news breaks, and the sweepers
are removed as well. It does still play intros and outros and
The reason I edited this file was so that my added tracks. The ones that
replace song intros and outros would play more often. As there is less
other stuff to play.
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
Here is the original music.xtbl entry:
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:99.0 The Underground</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS UNDERGROUND</AudioBanks>
By studying them both you cab see what needs to be removed and how to do s
Part 6: Radio And Music Xtbl Naming Conventions
In case it could be construed as advocating piracy of music
by listing artists and titles in this list for music that is
not available in game let me assure you this is all royalty
free music (search Royalty Free Country Music on YouTube.)
and that the artists are all listed as part of the song
Back in part 4 I built a radio station using the same naming
convention. If I could have injected this station into the game
then it would have worked the same way.
If you should try this yourself please note that the music set
names should be more unique. IE there shouldn't be two or more
entries in the same letter that have the same title.
(I.E. Letter A SilentPartner)
In case it could be construed as advocating piracy of music
by listing artists and titles in this list for music that is
not available in game let me assure you this is all royalty
free music (search Royalty Free Country Music on YouTube.)
and that the artists are all listed as part of the song
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
This is how I *THINK* the numbering system in the radio and music.xtbls works.
I based this off of studying how the 99.0 Underground station works.
There are two sets of entries the first shows the letter title of the song:
Entry 1 example:
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
See how the music entry starts with the call sign (this is one
I used while testing adding new stations to the game)
970KZIN_C_SilentPartner this would be Set C song 5.
How can I tell it is song 5? Like this:
(Entry Two Example:
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
Since the song is the fifth one in the list it will automatically
assume the fifth position in the list.
So this would be C_4
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:970 KZIN FM</Category>
<AudioBanks>MUS KZIN</AudioBanks>
Back in part 4 I built a radio station using the same naming
convention. If I could have injected this station into the game
then it would have worked the same way.
If you should try this yourself please note that the music set
names should be more unique. IE there shouldn't be two or more
entries in the same letter that have the same title.
(I.E. Letter A SilentPartner)
Suppose that you have modded your in game music and now you want to go into
Scratch that and buy one of your new tracks. If you try to do so you will
see that all the listed tracks are for the original music, and unless you
know exactly which songs wee replaced then you will have to preview every song
until you find the new ones or ... you could just change the songs within the
store listing.
The file you want is music_store.xtbl. It is available in the common.vpp_pc archive in Vanilla
or in Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2/optional_mod_stuff/modified in GOTR.
The Song Entries Look Like This
(unmodified example)
What yo need to do is modify it by changing the BuyName, Track_Name and Artist entries.
So if you want to create a country station and you want to add entries for it it would look
something like this:
(modified example)
Your entries should correspond to those that are in the radio and music xtbls. So if you change 945KRH_A_3
in the music.xtbl etc ... then that is the track that you have to change in the music_store.xtbl.
You can change the DisplayName entry as I have done above.
You can change the cost to suit you, but you should not change the locked status. Doing that will
make the track unpurchasable.
If your new song doesn't show up in the Scratch That track list then check the My Playlist editor
chances are that it is there. Also if you change the genre of the songs be sure to put it in the
proper catagory list.
For Example: if you decide that Amarie is singing a rock song, then put her song entry in the Rock list.
Note: As much as I hate having to say this: I am not endorsing the pirating of music. Please only use
music that you legally own. I am not responsible for any actions contrary to this endorsement. (Sorry,
just in case the wrong person reads this I need to make sure that my backside is covered.)
Scratch that and buy one of your new tracks. If you try to do so you will
see that all the listed tracks are for the original music, and unless you
know exactly which songs wee replaced then you will have to preview every song
until you find the new ones or ... you could just change the songs within the
store listing.
The file you want is music_store.xtbl. It is available in the common.vpp_pc archive in Vanilla
or in Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2/optional_mod_stuff/modified in GOTR.
The Song Entries Look Like This
(unmodified example)
<Name>Hip Hop</Name>
<BuyName>Beanie Sigel - What A Thug About</BuyName>
<Track_Name>What A Thug About</Track_Name>
<Artist>Beanie Sigel</Artist>
What yo need to do is modify it by changing the BuyName, Track_Name and Artist entries.
So if you want to create a country station and you want to add entries for it it would look
something like this:
(modified example)
<Name>Hip Hop</Name>
<BuyName>Ray Wylie Hubbard</BuyName>
<Track_Name>Up Against The Wall Redneck Mother</Track_Name>
<Artist>Ray Wylie Hubbard</Artist>
Your entries should correspond to those that are in the radio and music xtbls. So if you change 945KRH_A_3
in the music.xtbl etc ... then that is the track that you have to change in the music_store.xtbl.
You can change the DisplayName entry as I have done above.
You can change the cost to suit you, but you should not change the locked status. Doing that will
make the track unpurchasable.
If your new song doesn't show up in the Scratch That track list then check the My Playlist editor
chances are that it is there. Also if you change the genre of the songs be sure to put it in the
proper catagory list.
For Example: if you decide that Amarie is singing a rock song, then put her song entry in the Rock list.
Note: As much as I hate having to say this: I am not endorsing the pirating of music. Please only use
music that you legally own. I am not responsible for any actions contrary to this endorsement. (Sorry,
just in case the wrong person reads this I need to make sure that my backside is covered.)
Windows Tools
(All software courtesy of its respective author)
Here is the full sdk release as mentioned in N69's tutorial.
(Audio Manipulation)
Ffmpeg (x64)
Xact3 and ToWav
Unxwb (optional)
Audioshell 2.3.6
Mp3Gain Gui Mp3Gain (Beta)/1.3.4/mp3gain-win-full-1_3_4.exe/download
(Unpacking vpp_pc files)
Minimaul Tools
(Audio Players For Checking Wav Files)
K-Lite Mega
VLC Player
(Creating Wav Files)
Linux Tools
(Audio Manipulation)
Vga Stream
Makefile (needed for Unxwb see the 'Sokolow' page for more details)
Mp3Gain Gui Mp3Gain Github
(Unpacking vpp_pc files) (see steam community page for more details
Audio Players For Checking Wav Files)
(Creating Wav Files)
(All software courtesy of its respective author)
Here is the full sdk release as mentioned in N69's tutorial.
(Audio Manipulation)
Ffmpeg (x64)
Xact3 and ToWav
Unxwb (optional)
Audioshell 2.3.6
Mp3Gain Gui Mp3Gain (Beta)/1.3.4/mp3gain-win-full-1_3_4.exe/download
(Unpacking vpp_pc files)
Minimaul Tools
(Audio Players For Checking Wav Files)
K-Lite Mega
VLC Player
(Creating Wav Files)
Linux Tools
(Audio Manipulation)
Vga Stream
Makefile (needed for Unxwb see the 'Sokolow' page for more details)
Mp3Gain Gui Mp3Gain Github
(Unpacking vpp_pc files) (see steam community page for more details
Audio Players For Checking Wav Files)
VLC media player for Ubuntu - VideoLAN
(Creating Wav Files)
(Useful Reading)
(All documents courtesy of their respective authors) (UnXwb and Makefile) (SR2Tool) N69's Tutorial (Xact Audio Primer) (Espeak Manual) - Audacity Manual (A Really Informative Blog On Xact and Video Game Development In General) (Wiki Article) (Has A few Xbox audio friendly programs) (explains differences between InMemory and Streaming (creating macros in Audacity) (Adding Sound To Video Games)
(Xwb Format Discussion Concerning Saints Row 2)
Discussions On Xsb Files (Re4uhd)
Manipulating Audio Within Xtbl And CTS Files
(All documents courtesy of their respective authors) (UnXwb and Makefile) (SR2Tool) N69's Tutorial (Xact Audio Primer) (Espeak Manual) - Audacity Manual (A Really Informative Blog On Xact and Video Game Development In General) (Wiki Article) (Has A few Xbox audio friendly programs) (explains differences between InMemory and Streaming (creating macros in Audacity) (Adding Sound To Video Games)
(Xwb Format Discussion Concerning Saints Row 2)
Discussions On Xsb Files
P4G Music Swapping Guide (OUTDATED) [Persona 4 Golden PC (32 Bit)] [Tutorials]
Converting, looping, and replacing music in P4G!... A Persona 4 Golden PC (32 Bit) (P4G PC 32) Tutorial in the Audio category, submitted by CyclonX

Manipulating Audio Within Xtbl And CTS Files
Replacing Sounds In Game Using The Xtbl Method
There are two ways to replace in game sounds. One is the xtbl method and the other is by editing audio banks. This is an addendum to the Adding Music ... tutorial. However since it doesn't concern changing sounds in the audio banks I felt it should have it's own Tutorial. Note: Very little of...

Adding Sounds To The Game Through CTS files
I am using, with permission, as my example CaboosesayzWTF's radiochanger mod. In simple use it just changes a radio station, but there is a bit more to this mod than that. Caboose used a cts file to place radios all throughout Stilwater and in doing so created a file that allows the ability to...

Stop Pirate Radio Station From Disappearing And Turn Off Pause Menu Music
This is just a tiny adjustment to make the Pirate Radio station stop disappearing once you leave a certain portion of the city. Now as an extra tip For anyone who might not know here is how you turn off the music in the pause menu: Drop the edited file in the...

Useful Viewing
Clipping - Clipping audio is when an audio signal is amplified past the maximum allowed limit, whether in a digital or analog system. This is called ‘overdrive’ and just like the guitar pedals with the same name, it leads to distortion and a lowering of audio quality.
Normalization - Audio normalization is the application of a constant amount of gain to an audio recording to bring the amplitude to a target level (the norm). Because the same amount of gain is applied across the entire recording, the signal-to-noise ratio and relative dynamics are unchanged. Normalization is one of the functions commonly provided by a digital audio workstation.
Clipping - Clipping audio is when an audio signal is amplified past the maximum allowed limit, whether in a digital or analog system. This is called ‘overdrive’ and just like the guitar pedals with the same name, it leads to distortion and a lowering of audio quality.
Normalization - Audio normalization is the application of a constant amount of gain to an audio recording to bring the amplitude to a target level (the norm). Because the same amount of gain is applied across the entire recording, the signal-to-noise ratio and relative dynamics are unchanged. Normalization is one of the functions commonly provided by a digital audio workstation.
In File References
Here are the Radio.xtbl Categories
<Name>AI Life Stations</Name>
<Name>Ambient Stations</Name>
<Name>Radio Stations</Name>
Here Are The Radio.xtbl flags:
<Flag>Is Police</Flag>
<Flag>Is FBI</Flag>
<Flag>Is Pirate</Flag>
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
<Flag>Is Customizable</Flag>
<Flag>Don't Display Station</Flag>
Radio Station Slots Listing (Taken From Radio,xtbl)
====== ========= ================================
| Slot | Freq. | Station Name |
====== ========= ================================
| 0 | 85.5 | My Music
| 1 | 89.0 | Gen X
| 2 | 89.0 | Ultor Fm
| 3 | 95.4 | K-Rhyme Fm
| 4 | 97.6 | k12 Fm
| 5 | 98.4 | Funk Fm
| 6 | 99.0 | The Underground (Pirate Radio)
| 7 | 102.4 | Hlassic Fm
| 8 | 103.6 | 420 Fm
| 9 | 105.0 | Ezzzy Fm
| 10 | 105.0 | The World
| 11 | 106.66 | Krimch Fm
| 12 | 107.77 | The Mix
| 13 | | Stilwater Police Dispatch
| 14 | | Stilwater FBI Dispatch
| 15 | | OFF
| 16 | | Steel Band
| 17 | | Still Water Mall In Store
| 18 | | Stilwater Caverns
| 19 | | Stilwater Mall General
| 20 | | Saints HQ
| 21 | | Ronin 11 Junk Boats
| 22 | | Muzak General 1
| 23 | | Big Band Filtered
| 24 | | Shit 2 Wear
| 25 | | Chinatown
| 26 | | Museum Filtered
| 27 | | Country Filtered
| 28 | | Jazz Filtered
| 29 | | Science Center
| 30 | | Crash Landing Jazz
| 31 | | Metal
| 32 | | Classical Filtered
| 33 | | Musak General (No Stingers
| 34 | | On The Rag
| 35 | | Barrio
| 36 | | Kanto
| 37 | | Arena
| 38 | | Science Center No Annc
| 39 | | Marina Docks
| 40 | | Barbershop Quartet
| 41 | | Cheerleaders
| 42 | | Piano Player
| 43 | | Zombie
| 44 | | Pierce Singing
| 45 | | Guitar Player
| 46 | | Jackhammer Fm
| 47 | | MP Customization
| 48 | | TSSP02 Newscast
| 49 | | SR2 Credits Music
| 123 | 101.69 | Sizzurp | Disabled
| 123 | 108.0 | KBoom | Disabled
| 123 | 87.6 | Radio Free Stilwater | Disabled
| 123 | 94.8 | The Rock | Disabled
| 123 | 91.8 | KPasa | Disabled
| 123 | 92.2 | The Kronic | Disabled
| 123 | 99.8 | The Faction | Disabled
| 123 | | Event Testing | Disabled
====== ========= ======================= =========
Here are the Radio.xtbl Categories
<Name>AI Life Stations</Name>
<Name>Ambient Stations</Name>
<Name>Radio Stations</Name>
Here Are The Radio.xtbl flags:
<Flag>Is Police</Flag>
<Flag>Is FBI</Flag>
<Flag>Is Pirate</Flag>
<Flag>Not Selectable</Flag>
<Flag>Is Customizable</Flag>
<Flag>Don't Display Station</Flag>
Radio Station Slots Listing (Taken From Radio,xtbl)
====== ========= ================================
| Slot | Freq. | Station Name |
====== ========= ================================
| 0 | 85.5 | My Music
| 1 | 89.0 | Gen X
| 2 | 89.0 | Ultor Fm
| 3 | 95.4 | K-Rhyme Fm
| 4 | 97.6 | k12 Fm
| 5 | 98.4 | Funk Fm
| 6 | 99.0 | The Underground (Pirate Radio)
| 7 | 102.4 | Hlassic Fm
| 8 | 103.6 | 420 Fm
| 9 | 105.0 | Ezzzy Fm
| 10 | 105.0 | The World
| 11 | 106.66 | Krimch Fm
| 12 | 107.77 | The Mix
| 13 | | Stilwater Police Dispatch
| 14 | | Stilwater FBI Dispatch
| 15 | | OFF
| 16 | | Steel Band
| 17 | | Still Water Mall In Store
| 18 | | Stilwater Caverns
| 19 | | Stilwater Mall General
| 20 | | Saints HQ
| 21 | | Ronin 11 Junk Boats
| 22 | | Muzak General 1
| 23 | | Big Band Filtered
| 24 | | Shit 2 Wear
| 25 | | Chinatown
| 26 | | Museum Filtered
| 27 | | Country Filtered
| 28 | | Jazz Filtered
| 29 | | Science Center
| 30 | | Crash Landing Jazz
| 31 | | Metal
| 32 | | Classical Filtered
| 33 | | Musak General (No Stingers
| 34 | | On The Rag
| 35 | | Barrio
| 36 | | Kanto
| 37 | | Arena
| 38 | | Science Center No Annc
| 39 | | Marina Docks
| 40 | | Barbershop Quartet
| 41 | | Cheerleaders
| 42 | | Piano Player
| 43 | | Zombie
| 44 | | Pierce Singing
| 45 | | Guitar Player
| 46 | | Jackhammer Fm
| 47 | | MP Customization
| 48 | | TSSP02 Newscast
| 49 | | SR2 Credits Music
| 123 | 101.69 | Sizzurp | Disabled
| 123 | 108.0 | KBoom | Disabled
| 123 | 87.6 | Radio Free Stilwater | Disabled
| 123 | 94.8 | The Rock | Disabled
| 123 | 91.8 | KPasa | Disabled
| 123 | 92.2 | The Kronic | Disabled
| 123 | 99.8 | The Faction | Disabled
| 123 | | Event Testing | Disabled
====== ========= ======================= =========
How Files Interact With Each Other
When you edit a file it can effect multiple other files. For instance
When you edit Radio_Groups.xtbl it can effect Music.xtbl. When you
edit Music.xtbl it can effect Audio_banks.xtbl. When you edit Radio.xtbl
it can effect radio_groups.xtbl so if you are doing something like
trying to re-add an old radio station you will have to deal with multiple
files. The good news about all this is that in the file you are editing there
will be a mention of the files it needs to access to do it's job. ie: Radio.xtbl
mentions radio_groups.xtbl. Just do a search for the word xtbl while in your
file to see what, if anything, that it references.
When you edit a file it can effect multiple other files. For instance
When you edit Radio_Groups.xtbl it can effect Music.xtbl. When you
edit Music.xtbl it can effect Audio_banks.xtbl. When you edit Radio.xtbl
it can effect radio_groups.xtbl so if you are doing something like
trying to re-add an old radio station you will have to deal with multiple
files. The good news about all this is that in the file you are editing there
will be a mention of the files it needs to access to do it's job. ie: Radio.xtbl
mentions radio_groups.xtbl. Just do a search for the word xtbl while in your
file to see what, if anything, that it references.
1. What are Xsb files?
Xsb files are Xact Sound Bank files created by
the Microsoft Audio Creation Tool (Xact). Xsb
files can contain wav lists, audio cues, etc.
2. What is the purpose of an xsb file?
Storing sound data (effects, streams, and wave banks) for video games
(Courtesy of File
Extracting Xsb Files
Use the Xactxtract tool. Here is the syntax:
xactxtract "Mus Mix.xsb" >420.txt
This extracts the MUS Mix.xsb info and directs it to a text file.
What the Xsb contains:
(excerpt from the (Mus Mix.xwb)
WARNUNG: mus Mix.xwb hat Toolversion 44 und Formatversion 42. unterstuetzt nur die Versionen 45 und 43
---WAVEBANK mus Mix.xwb: Version (44,42), Typ: Streaming, 101 Waves
Wave| | | | Chan-| | |16bit|in WAVEDATASEGMENT
Nr. |Flags|Duration| Typ| nels|SampleRate|Align| PCM?| Offset Length
0 0 4723712 WMA 2 22050 33 0 0 859486
1 0 5208064 PCM 2 22050 4 1 860160 20832256
2 0 5698560 WMA 2 22050 33 0 21692416 1039413
3 0 6720512 WMA 2 22050 33 0 22732800 1223801
4 0 4811776 WMA 2 22050 33 0 23957504 877330
5 0 4556800 PCM 2 22050 4 1 24836096 18227200
6 0 6541524 PCM 2 22050 4 1 43063296 26166096
7 0 5695488 WMA 2 22050 33 0 69230592 1036439
8 0 5393408 WMA 2 22050 33 0 70268928 981420
9 0 5226496 WMA 2 22050 33 0 71251968 953167
10 0 103424 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72206336 14864
11 0 85376 ADPCM 1 32006 48 0 72222720 46690
12 0 157696 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72269824 20438
13 0 97536 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72290304 13935
14 0 248064 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72304640 31586
15 0 126976 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72337408 16722
16 0 135424 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72355840 17651
17 0 121088 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72374272 16722
This tells us a few things. We can see that there are 101 files in the "MUS MIX.xwb"
soundbamk that this file belongs to. We can see that it is a streaming sound bank
(as opposed to InMemory) We can see the duration of the files which helps us identify
which numbers are the song files. Etc..
Creating Xsb Files
Please see: courtesy - (no author listed) This will walk you through the process step by step
Viewing the xsb file along side the xwb file would give you a sense of how to audio bank
is structured. (It should be noted that Xwb file specs can change so to ensure compatibility you should use the proper version of Xactxtract link available in Windows Tool section.
Be sure to spend some time researching this topic more thoroughly than I have covered it here
A good place to start is with the search query 'Xwb files + Xentax' this will bring up several
relevant discussions
Xsb files are Xact Sound Bank files created by
the Microsoft Audio Creation Tool (Xact). Xsb
files can contain wav lists, audio cues, etc.
2. What is the purpose of an xsb file?
Storing sound data (effects, streams, and wave banks) for video games
(Courtesy of File
Extracting Xsb Files
Use the Xactxtract tool. Here is the syntax:
xactxtract "Mus Mix.xsb" >420.txt
This extracts the MUS Mix.xsb info and directs it to a text file.
What the Xsb contains:
(excerpt from the (Mus Mix.xwb)
WARNUNG: mus Mix.xwb hat Toolversion 44 und Formatversion 42. unterstuetzt nur die Versionen 45 und 43
---WAVEBANK mus Mix.xwb: Version (44,42), Typ: Streaming, 101 Waves
Wave| | | | Chan-| | |16bit|in WAVEDATASEGMENT
Nr. |Flags|Duration| Typ| nels|SampleRate|Align| PCM?| Offset Length
0 0 4723712 WMA 2 22050 33 0 0 859486
1 0 5208064 PCM 2 22050 4 1 860160 20832256
2 0 5698560 WMA 2 22050 33 0 21692416 1039413
3 0 6720512 WMA 2 22050 33 0 22732800 1223801
4 0 4811776 WMA 2 22050 33 0 23957504 877330
5 0 4556800 PCM 2 22050 4 1 24836096 18227200
6 0 6541524 PCM 2 22050 4 1 43063296 26166096
7 0 5695488 WMA 2 22050 33 0 69230592 1036439
8 0 5393408 WMA 2 22050 33 0 70268928 981420
9 0 5226496 WMA 2 22050 33 0 71251968 953167
10 0 103424 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72206336 14864
11 0 85376 ADPCM 1 32006 48 0 72222720 46690
12 0 157696 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72269824 20438
13 0 97536 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72290304 13935
14 0 248064 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72304640 31586
15 0 126976 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72337408 16722
16 0 135424 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72355840 17651
17 0 121088 WMA 1 22050 32 0 72374272 16722
This tells us a few things. We can see that there are 101 files in the "MUS MIX.xwb"
soundbamk that this file belongs to. We can see that it is a streaming sound bank
(as opposed to InMemory) We can see the duration of the files which helps us identify
which numbers are the song files. Etc..
Creating Xsb Files
Please see: courtesy - (no author listed) This will walk you through the process step by step
Viewing the xsb file along side the xwb file would give you a sense of how to audio bank
is structured. (It should be noted that Xwb file specs can change so to ensure compatibility you should use the proper version of Xactxtract link available in Windows Tool section.
Be sure to spend some time researching this topic more thoroughly than I have covered it here
A good place to start is with the search query 'Xwb files + Xentax' this will bring up several
relevant discussions
Have fun editing your music and a special thank you to N69.
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