Animations Collection

Decided to make a collection of some animation mods i did in the past and recently been making..

Known issues:
- When Zombie Carlos attacks ya, you have to press "1" or "2" to get rid of him.. Sadly those keys dont show up on screen like in the minigame, if someone knows how to manage to make it work, would be great.
- Sometimes it will move like originally does (human movement, Juiced Patch contains an option that removes that animation.. which kinda fix it)

How To Install:

Credits to:
- [V] IdolNinja and the GotR team
- Masamaru


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homie help me my saints row 2 stop working after or in the middle of a Cutscene and sometimes the screen goes all white and starts to fade the fps helps me please
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This just looks right
In the first beginning mission i remember Female walking style can do this but after you leave the game for once and load the game.. the animation cannot be used again.. its so sad Volition didn't keep this walking style in the next mission.. and glad someone found and create this mods walking style i might used it for my Blonde caucasian character.
In the first beginning mission i remember Female walking style can do this but after you leave the game for once and load the game.. the animation cannot be used again.. its so sad Volition didn't keep this walking style in the next mission.. and glad someone found and create this mods walking style i might used it for my Blonde caucasian character.
yeah I believe it's a problem where the game doesn't save what gender animations to play you'll need to force female animations to default, there's actually a mod around here that does just that.
yeah I believe it's a problem where the game doesn't save what gender animations to play you'll need to force female animations to default, there's actually a mod around here that does just that.
BandiG share the file for that.. since thecommand prompt version will affect everyone in Stilwater.
Update: Mostly all melee & grenades use sr1's Jog & Sprint, all credits to Cheese
Caminando Entre.gif