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  1. M

    Compilation Things To Do In Dominatrix - Family-Friendly Edition

    Yea! Thank you very much its good to hear Im on this forum every day since I tried your Things to Do in Steelport for SR3 mod which is great. I ll stay tuned :)
  2. M

    Compilation Things To Do In Dominatrix - Family-Friendly Edition

    Oh I see now! :) And thanks for fast response it's good to hear that mod didn't died. :P
  3. M

    Compilation Things To Do In Dominatrix - Family-Friendly Edition

    It means "greetings". :) Fan is from Poland, so I decided to greet him in polish. I hope it's not wrong? Its an english language site after all.
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    Compilation Things To Do In Dominatrix - Family-Friendly Edition

    When it's going to be released? I read some comments, and at the October you said that you will release it "next saturday" (it's on the 1st page) Don't get me wrong Fan of Saints, you doing a great job, and it istnt my intention to hasten you. Just curiosity. :P Pozdrawiam :)
  5. M

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    What about stinky jar upgrade for flash grenade? Is that gone now? Could you make jar back in your mod or have it's skin on first tier of flash grenade?
  6. M

    RESET progress mod

    IS there any mod which allows you to reset your unblockables progress?
  7. M

    Additional clothes

    I have noticed that in game is a literally one shirt that is nice and its not unlocked by adiitional clothes mods. Its on punk- like girl deafault character. Is there any chance to unlock it?
  8. M

    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Are stag weapons included in mod?
  9. M

    Disable autoaim?

    Disable autoaim mod please? :p
  10. M

    Original gang colors mod SR 4

    On the customizable gang mambers. Like in this one:
  11. M

    Original gang colors mod SR 4

    IS it possible to do? Is there one alredy?
  12. M

    Disable forced weapon pickup mod

    Could be that possible to be done by some talented person? ; )
  13. M

    Gentlemans of Steelport SR 4?

    SR 4 was released in 2013 summer. Is there any signs that would be telling there will be GOS for SR 4?
  14. M

    Un-buy weapon modification that you alredy brought

    Ok I will check it today! Thank you once more! :)
  15. M

    Un-buy weapon modification that you alredy brought

    How can I have fresh weapons.xtbl? Is it on the forum somewhere? It was in patch_compressed file. Thanks for advice Mask! ; )
  16. M

    NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod

    Could you add a STAG forces to this mod? U know, random spawn soldiers, vehicles etc.?
  17. M

    Un-buy weapon modification that you alredy brought

    I was wondering if its possible to lock some weapon modification that you alredy brought. I mean- which file contais weapons information. It it save? It there a way to unpack save?
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    Minigun Madness

    Hey Joe I was wondering If you could be so kind to give us optional non-dual wieldable pistols in shops, just as you gave us smg's? I would own you one for that! ;)
  19. M

    NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod

    It doestnt seems to work : ( v16 crash the game at the load screen. Well accually it doesn't crash at all. There is never-ending load up after first cut scene in white house (5 years later scene). Am I only one who have such problem?
  20. M

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    Which file contains the gangsta in space DLC weapons available to use in open world gameplay? I do not like to use all changes just that few guns. ; ) But i like this mod and i played it for long time! XD