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  1. Svered

    Weather Mods

    Use cheats, maybe? Weather Sunny weather|clearskies Cloudy weather|overcast Rainy weather|lightrain Very rainy weather|heavyrain And I think that the cheat mod does some stuff for ToD.
  2. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    So wait, are you not going to work on spawns for the vtols, or did you somehow get those working?
  3. Svered


    Deleting all that should make bridges work with npc's again, and make the bridges be down if I'm correct.
  4. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    No, since it doesn't spawn at all if you just do the ending where you save shaundi. Also, it should, if the code works, check if the mission where you destroy the Daedalus has been completed yet before it makes the Daedalus permanent. I'm not very diligent when I'm supposed to comment code.
  5. Svered


    In Misc.vpp_pc there is a file called sr3_city.lua. It should have a thing that says city_zone_swap("lockdown"). I'm pretty sure that that is what is affecting the bridges. The ones to Arapice Island are affected by city_zone_swap("zombies") or city_zone_swap("chemcrash"), probably zombies.
  6. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    No load loop for me when I destroyed Killbane's plane. Got past the cutscene, killed Killbane, through the next cutscene, and back into the open world. Did you have a bunch of crap in the sr3_city.xtbl that might have caused it, or is it fairly clean?
  7. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Hmmm. Did you put endgame_content_reenable() under sr3_city_main. I'll have to test this problem myself. Also, when did you paste it in. I made a mistake in the placements of the ends, but they should be fixed now. It should be able to go anywhere in the sr3_city file since it preloads all the...
  8. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Would it be in the same str2 as the mission lua, or would I have to do some snooping. Thanks. Ok, here's what I got for the function. It works post endgame with the save shaundi ending. Anyone willing to test with the kill killbane ending both pre and post daedalus. function...
  9. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Would it specify any related files within the mission lua? Worst case scenario I could see is removing the cleanups for the troops and vtols on the Daedalus. Is there any way to check whether a mission has been done or not, since I'm trying to make a function within sr3_city that will trigger...
  10. Svered

    Pixel's Zombie Mod

    That would be sweet.
  11. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    So we shouldn't be messing around with the missions just yet, then.
  12. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    The soldiers spawned like that for me even before it was destroyed. This area in particular seems interesting. It's lines 973-1000 -- Make sure any triggers have been disabled for i, trigger in pairs(M23_triggers) do on_trigger("", trigger) on_trigger_exit("", trigger)...
  13. Svered

    Pixel's Zombie Mod

    I personally think there should be less cars driving around, since most people would abandon their cars in a zombie apocalypse.
  14. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    They spawned on deck when you went into the glitch area, or they spawned before that? Also, did you test out the engine code? Ooh. Forgot something. It should be something like: M23_groups = { daedalus_vtols_01 = { name = "Group_daedalus_vtols 001", vtols = {...
  15. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Hmm. I'm wondering if when lockdown is active, maybe stag stops spawning on the Thermopylae, since I can't find anything about it within either mission 10 (when the Thermopylae arrives), and mission 17 (when the Thermopylae is destroyed.) New Stuff: -- Callback function for when the player flies...
  16. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Awesome. I'll see if I can find anything similar for the Thermopylae.
  17. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Might want to see if you can get this stuff in so that, if this is what I think it is, you can't walk around in the engines of the daedalus. -- Kill Regions -- M23_kill_regions = { "tgr_daed_eng_kill 001", "tgr_daed_eng_kill 002", "tgr_daed_eng_kill 003", "tgr_daed_eng_kill 004"...
  18. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    @Idol Where did you find the the Daedalus zone swap name?
  19. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Does it work with post endgame saves, or do you have to play the game again?
  20. Svered

    Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

    Did you have any luck with my suggestion?