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  1. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    They perhaps for the DLC, they weakened the enemies for greater effect, or survival challenges make them stronger? I can't think of any other mods that might be affecting their strength. I am only using GoS, Sandbox, and after that inital test, NPC. I'll keep playing and testing. Thanks again...
  2. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Actually I supposed I should ask. I know NPC Behavour is compatible with GoS but which Anim file should I use in the Cache directory to be compatible with Sandbox? I am sticking with Sandbox for my first test.
  3. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Interesting. I just went through a survival challenges and it took three hits of fireball to kill a luchadore specialist and two to explode a truck. It also took several punches to kill a brute, and in the missions I could knock them out in one. Unless one of the other GoS mod features modifies...
  4. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Okay that seemed to fix it. Not sure how it happened but to recall some of my earlier selections in GoS had more than 2 files as the Verify found 6 files off. Any way it seems to be working now. Now I want to learn how to up the superpower damage as it works but seems be less strong than the...
  5. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    First Thanks for all your work on the complilation, and for the quick reply. I am actually trying that right now. Ill let you know how it turns out.
  6. Ordeiberon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    So I just tried integrating Sandbox+ after a long game with GoS, and For some reason now my characters skin tones are all dark. It is not simply a selection error. any character I download from asian to caucasian all have darker skin and I am not sure why. Any Ideas on how this might have...