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  1. M

    Easier Activity Goals

    I tried the difficulty levels.xbl file and all it did was break my game. When I get to the first load screen, it always crashes and I get an error saying the "inauguration station has stopped working" despite the fact that I'm not even running the character creator. When I delete the file I can...
  2. M

    What would be some really cool clothes you'd want to see in SR4?

    Potentially to get created by modders. Off the top of my head two that sound good would be Sean Connery's outfit from Zardoz and the other would be the Mass Effect 3 leather jacket.
  3. M

    Better Weapons Mod

    So is the mod that's causing my weapon upgrades to never save? I've been trying to figure out which mod has been causing that effect. It's getting really annoying having to upgrade all my weapons every time I load a save.
  4. M

    Apocalyptic Armor unlock (clothing possibly removed)

    In the inauguration station, they had the Apocalyptic Armor which looks just like the WWF Road Warriors spiked shoulder pads. The problem is when I download my characters, that piece of clothing isn't present in SR4. I've also got every store in the game but none of them have it. I've heard...