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  1. InnocentSam

    Saints Row 2 How are NPCs clothed/made?

    That's amazing detail, thanks. There were mesh files for the NPCs, which I assume you meant when you said "cnpc/gnpc". Although one thing still bothers me. There are 3 different types of NPC. There's SNPC for cutscenes, NPC for main world/everything else, but there is a CNPC type which I...
  2. InnocentSam

    Saints Row 2 Activity LUAs?

  3. InnocentSam

    Saints Row: The Third HUD Format

    I thought that the hud is coded in Lua? I think the filename was "hud.lua" and "hud_*.lua" ;)
  4. InnocentSam

    Saints Row 2 Activity LUAs?

    Hello again, V's! Quick question about how activities are coded; how are they coded? There are no Lua files, so where are they? Thanks!
  5. InnocentSam

    No intro sound

    Perhaps you could try installing the Bink video tools. It might install a missing component if that's the problem.
  6. InnocentSam

    Saints Row 2 How are NPCs clothed/made?

    That would be awesomely awesome, thank you!
  7. InnocentSam

    The Modding News Destined to Change Everything

    Das riiiiight! [e-highfive]
  8. InnocentSam

    Saints Row 2 How are NPCs clothed/made?

    Hello, V ;) Something me- and probably everyone else who's looked at SR2 NPCs- have always wondered is how NPCs are clothed. It's confusing because the XTBL file for NPCs accurately shows the clothes or proportions of the NPCs, but upon modification, no changes are seen. Then there's another...
  9. InnocentSam

    The Modding News Destined to Change Everything

    As soon as SR2 is all documented and toolified, I am so making a big mod :D
  10. InnocentSam

    Sandbox+ for Saints Row 2

    So the workaround to the buggy key capture was...? I didn't see it in OP.
  11. InnocentSam

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Cutscene replay... awesome.
  12. InnocentSam

    Saints Row Mods App

    I'd figure it'd be easier to configure this site with one of the existing forum apps like Tapatalk. Or is that Android-only? Shame, get a real device!
  13. InnocentSam

    Custom Mission based on Hitman activity

    Hooray for (crashy) life! But I still can't identify what I've done wrong.
  14. InnocentSam

    Post your best screens

  15. InnocentSam

    Custom Mission based on Hitman activity

    I've been working on a custom mission which is loosely based on the Hitman series of games as well as the Hitman activity. My original idea was the restaurant where you fight Jyunichi in the Kanto Connection mission, but the location hadn't enough variances of method for killing the target, so...
  16. InnocentSam

    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    Did we ever get heli customisation working in SR2 without it crashing? If not, nice job on getting it done in SR:TT ;)