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  1. Gladiatorking

    How do I edit cmesh files

    Seeing as nobody seems to want to help me and remove the katana from the GoTR Ronin Jacket, I decided I'd do it myself. But I've come to an error and don't know how to edit the cmcoa_mronin01_v.cmesh_pc, cmcoa_mronin01_o.cmesh_pc and the cmcoa_mronin01_c.cmesh_pc files. Can somebody please help...
  2. Gladiatorking

    Crashing at 40% with custom mod

    I'm trying to recolor the Jyunichi outfit from Ronin Yellow to Saint's Purple, with gibbed tools, but when I launch up the game it just stays at "Loading 40%". Can somebody PLEASE help me?
  3. Gladiatorking

    GotR Ronin Jacket

    Hey, would there be any chance somebody would be able to remove the black from the Ronin Jacket in the GotR mod? I mean that circle thing and the katana. I'd prefer it as a plain leather jacket. Please somebody. I want a badass leather jacket, but I hate the katana. :( If you're unable to...
  4. Gladiatorking

    Yellow Saints

    Hey, I was wondering if somebody would be able to make a mod that turns the saints to the colour of Vice King or the Ronin? I know GangPlusOne exists, but it doesn't seem to recolour the Saints gang members, and I don't think it recolours all the homies and cars. Basically what I want is the...