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  1. G

    Gentlemen of the Row

    Thank you that's cleared things up :)
  2. G

    Gentlemen of the Row

    Do they unlock by completing kanto connection? or does it require neighborhoods on top . As i'd already completed the mission before installing an cant find them for sale or inventory
  3. G

    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Thanks alot gang customization is working again,
  4. G

    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    The isnt effecting the game either way before after un/installing the mod, am i installing the patch correctly does it go in a certain folder
  5. G

    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Help i've uninstalled your mod recently and lost ability to customize my gang members in any gateway, tried the patch not sure ive installed it correctly should just re install the mod