Search results

  1. ThePlayaJam765

    [XENIA] Saints Row 2 - Easy Respect + Cash/Non-Flagging Cheats/All Vehicles at Dealership

    With Xenia becoming the more stable method to play this game (at least until the PC patch comes out), I decided to dabble in creating a few mods for it. These mods include - All Vehicles at Dealerships Adds every single vehicle + every single variant to the car dealerships. Boats are at Ship...
  2. ThePlayaJam765

    SR1 - All Cars in Foreign Power

    Dabbled in modifying the car_dealerships.xtbl file myself, and yeah... the fact that you have to specify which car parts to load, otherwise you'll end up with a car hovering above the ground without any wheels, bumpers, hoods... etc is definitely annoying, especially when the internal names for...