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  1. P610

    What is the reason for the design decision to use Gat and Kinzie as the protagonists?

    Yes, according to weapon upgrades in a radial menu.
  2. P610

    SR:GOOH Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell announced!

    I heard you can switch between Gat and Kinzie in a Ultor office, not sure if that's true.
  3. P610

    What is the reason for the design decision to use Gat and Kinzie as the protagonists?

    And what about weapons? The weapon name and its costume are displayed in the radial menu, does this mean there's going to be a single costume or more for each weapon?
  4. P610

    What is the reason for the design decision to use Gat and Kinzie as the protagonists?

    This is why there are probably going to be a few vehicles only (I've seen ~10 in gameplay trailers).
  5. P610

    SRIV Back at the forums, with a question about notoriety_spawn...

    I've also had situations when no enemies will ever spawn and I didn't know about "50 entries" limit back then. I assumed it some mistake in the code I made that affected it.