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  1. GPZ

    SRIV Drunk Pedestrians

    From my experience, they actually do rarely show up drunk in specific areas on the map, and they usually do when there are passed out peds nearby.
  2. GPZ

    Minimaul's Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools

    I don't understand. Did you pack all color variations into one str2 file?
  3. GPZ

    New Super Saints DLC - Finally a cape

    Looks so good! :D TF2 masks? Oh no. Never. Again.
  4. GPZ

    Alternate Stand Animations V1.3

    Into what? It doesn't have a suitable handle for the rifle animations, if that's what you're asking for.
  5. GPZ

    Specular maps and Defuse maps

    NPCs and the player use color palette shaders, skin shaders and hair color shaders. Most of these are actual textures which are commonly used.
  6. GPZ

    Female animations change to male animations during/after missions

    If I'm not mistaken, the character model used for the female player in From Asha With Love is meant to have "male" animations, just like the rest of the characters during this mission and Zero Saints Thirty.
  7. GPZ

    Enabling "Hair accessory color" Shader on SRIV Hairstyles

    One thing that was absent from the huge amount of new hairstyles in SRIV was the "hair accessory color" feature that many hairstyles in SR:TT had (and still do in IV). While inspecting one hairstyle, "frenchbraid-01", I realized that it too had the proper setup for this shader (a colorless...
  8. GPZ

    Mesh importer for 3ds max

    I tested it today and it loads all geometry and UV mapping, the 2013 plug-in works perfectly fine on Max 2014.
  9. GPZ

    Enhanced Gang Customization - VERSION 2.0 is out! Now with Zin Saints!

    Unfortunately: EDIT: I can confirm that Enhanced Gang works with ETD.
  10. GPZ

    Disable radial menu

    Woops, my bad!
  11. GPZ

    New/improved Weapons & Powers (Inc. 15+ New Weapon Textures)

    Woah, do these weapons replace anything? How did you give them custom names?
  12. GPZ

    SRIV Enter the Dominatrix - 22 Oct 2013

    Aha, I haven't played these games so I wouldn't know. >_>
  13. GPZ

    Alternate Stand Animations V1.3

    Thanks for letting me know! I just uploaded version 1.4, it fixes this issue. :)
  14. GPZ

    SRIV Enter the Dominatrix - 22 Oct 2013

    I was referring to this "Nolan North" guy, who is it?
  15. GPZ

    Alternate Stand Animations V1.3

    You should have an additional folder in your SRIV root named "tables", and two files should be in it.
  16. GPZ

    Alternate Stand Animations V1.3

    Thanks! I'm not sure what their exact name is, but they must be in Nobody Loves Me. It's actually possible to have up to 4 stand animations per animation set, but the transition animations will not always match.
  17. GPZ

    Alternate Stand Animations V1.3

    Updated to version 1.3, the updates are: (Females) Alternate single-handed firearms (pistol, stun-gun, MAC10) stand. (Males & Females) Large firearms (rifles, MP5) are now held by both arms. (Females) Fixed hunting shotgun stand animation.
  18. GPZ

    New handgun hold

    I didn't realize that the Disintegrator had similar animations... If the pose fits it should be possible. EDIT: It fits perfectly, check the link above soon!
  19. GPZ

    New Homies

    cpeg/gpeg files are texture containers ccmesh/cgmesh files contain 3d geometries sim files are what controls the cloth simulation (needs to be hex-edited to match the replaced character's name). In total you should have in an NPC str2 folder 12 files (13 with a sim file). All of those should...