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  1. Henry08

    Spline Based Procedural Modeling in “Agents of Mayhem”

    Interesting stuff, SR3 GDC was one of my favorites, lection rendering transparency will be interesting I guess.
  2. Henry08

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    Jeez, I knew that Russian game devs are the kings of dirty hacks but today Volition shows me some true craftsmanship in this area. There is female head inside SID with the Kinzie's texture. Also it has facial animation.
  3. Henry08

    Shaders(Materials) Explained

    Yeah, shader sets if very limited especially for transparency, I guess hair shader has better alpha filtering but it doesn't work it the current SDK.
  4. Henry08

    Daspex´s Animation Mod

    Nice, how you move Kinzie?
  5. Henry08

    Shaundi is drinking in the hub

    Easy solution :D, what about size limitation, I tried to replace clmeshes, when size of the model was similar, game loaded it, but when I replaced 20kb mesh with the 170kb, package didn't load. Also about anim files, the hub has some files which you can replace but the game will be using...
  6. Henry08

    Shaundi is drinking in the hub

    As I understand removing\adding items isn't possible? Did you move door away in SR3?
  7. Henry08

    Shaundi is drinking in the hub

    Thanks. Quaternions aren't big deal, especial when you find the online converter and figure out axis and range. The most problems with positioning in a building with rotation(like hub), I wish there was flee mod with some point laser projection to the ground
  8. Henry08

    Shaundi is drinking in the hub

    Thanks. Yeah this tool is good but xml editing but in effectivity way it's like to heat fire with friction :D Some times ago when I was exploring VTMB modding tools and find text level editor I said no way.
  9. Henry08

    Shaundi is drinking in the hub

    This is the part of my NSFW mod Nude city but maybe someone also will find it useful, mod change position an animation for typing Shaundi in the ship. Now she drinks beer on the table. Installing: Download 7zip archive and unpack it to your SR4 folder Also if you already have some mod that use...
  10. Henry08

    Shaders(Materials) Explained

    Okay I have found something interesting. <Diffuse_Color> parameter in npcskinfull. Texture actually grey, green channel in the shader xml set to 1
  11. Henry08

    Saints Row 3 and 4 Zone File Tools

    Okay maybe someone finds this useful online degree-radian quaternion converter-visualizer. SR games are using radians, also values can have e, so this means *10 in degree minus number after e Also, this converter also is good. The game uses Y axis as vertical. ----- Jeez...
  12. Henry08

    Seriously, No LUA function to get NPC name?

    I can understand many things but not this, get the name on hit, on shoot, on the car seat... anything that return name. But we have a function that can get player_names_get_all() in the game for 2 players only. Is it a joke?
  13. Henry08

    How to check if any Weapon is equiped

    This function inv_item_remove removes an item from inventory if you want to deselect weapon you should set inv_item_equip_slot to the unarmed slot or so, but I don't know how it works with NPC
  14. Henry08

    How to check if any Weapon is equiped

    I belive this will work function remove_current_weapon(ACTOR) local current_weapon=inv_item_get_equipped_item(ACTOR) inv_item_remove(current_weapon, ACTOR) end