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  1. xTrogdorx

    Extra clothing colors and extra makeup colors

    I actually have had it happen in SRTT, specifically when I was using the 'aircraft are boats' mod to recolor some helis... I ended up with a yellow helicopter that I had intended to be black.
  2. xTrogdorx

    Non-glitching city

    Thank you so much for this, the pixelation in the vehicle customization screen was truly obnoxious.
  3. xTrogdorx

    Additional Cheats

    I know you said your mod makes cheats no longer flag saves, but what if I join a co-op with someone whose save is flagged? In 3, it popped up a message that said 'your co-op partner is using cheats; any saves you make will be flagged; blablabla'
  4. xTrogdorx

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    Hmm... interesting fun fact. I can import a SR3 character wearing Cyrus's armor into SR4... and the armor appears in the character creation screen... but the character has no head! Edit: It appears Joe's Additional Clothing For Sale SR4 mod fixes this. :D
  5. xTrogdorx

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    Soooooooooooooo... I'm using Shitface's weapon rebalance mod, specifically the apparently newer version of it that's linked over in his mod's thread. It comes as a collection of loose files. How does this interact with 1) The GoS patch_compressed.vpp_pc & patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc files if you...
  6. xTrogdorx

    SR3 Save Editor C

    Ehhh... found a small issue with the New Game +. It seems it doesn't reset Arapice Island's population.
  7. xTrogdorx

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    Thanks for the reply. I assumed that the suit would've been added everywhere, not just the one store. Sooooo... what happens if I try to upload this character to the character gallery while he's wearing the Cyrus armor, or any other piece of clothing added by a mod?
  8. xTrogdorx

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    Good god, man. It was only after I installed the mod, and realized that my guns no longer had infinite reserve ammo, that I realized that your mod removes the level 4 infinite ammo upgrades. Why, man, why? This needs to be in the mod description, not just the changelog. Please tell me there's a...
  9. xTrogdorx

    Joe's Tacticool Weapons!

    That's what I feared. Modding the mod is digging deeper than I want to go at this point, so I'll probably uninstall it for now. Also I had another question while installing, the readme says to, and I quote: 2. Select black or gold hand gun files, drag and drop. DO NOT MIX UP THE ASM'S! 3...
  10. xTrogdorx

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    Hi Idol, Please excuse if you've answered these before, search isn't helping and I'm not going to sift through 105 pages. 1) I can't even be sure I'm using the most current version of your mod. Following your link in the OP to, the first post is titled 'Gentlemen of Steelport v1.0...
  11. xTrogdorx

    Joe's Tacticool Weapons!

    Hi Joe. I encountered an issue when trying to use your mod. I liked some of your reskins, didn't like others. So I tried to pick and choose, and didn't install the skins I didn't like. This seems to break the mod, though. Whenever I switch to a weapon I didn't install the files for, it causes...