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  1. MegaFreeman

    Obscured VIDs list

    I found new VIDs When your customization item has a flag while you character has long hair: VID 60 removes that one loose string of hair, while VID 61 removes the ponytail part of that hairstyle
  2. MegaFreeman

    Ski Mask Replacers

    Finally. My Boss can be the kawaii princess the God has always intended her to be. Thank you, Singa. Your wonderful creations have brought so much light and joy into my life. I wouldn't know where I'd be today if it weren't for your mods.
  3. MegaFreeman

    SR2 Saints Row 2 for Labor of Love - Steam awards 2019

    Considering the patch will be released as a new game on Steam, next year, SR2 fix will be eligible for all the categories, and not just Labour of Love. The point of all of us voting for it is that we have one category that we all know we can team up and actually get it to be in the finals. Now...
  4. MegaFreeman

    SRTT Shaundi for SRIV

    Port Shaundi to GOOH so we can play the game properly :D<3
  5. MegaFreeman

    (Saints Row Discord) What's going on?

    What's the name of your alt account?
  6. MegaFreeman My Steelport character download tool

    Is there any update on the progress of the upload tools?
  7. MegaFreeman

    SOLVED Modding Cutscenes

    Has anyone figured out how to mod cutscenes in Saints Row The Third? I did figure out how to export and edit their files, but I didn't figure out how to pack them back into .str2_pc since the only .asm file in the cutscenes.vpp_pc is cutscene_containers.asm_pc, but when I try to use that file as...
  8. MegaFreeman

    My Steelport on dies on 31/01/2018

    Is there any insight on a way this tool will work? Do we export it directly from the save full? Will "Character Gallery" still be functional? Oh, and will it let us share our character through workshop?
  9. MegaFreeman

    Clothing retexture error

    I have done everything as you said, but the problem is still there. Now even the top half is showed as untextured... Could maybe the xxxx_pc.cmorph_pc be the problem?
  10. MegaFreeman

    Clothing retexture error

    I am trying my hand at retexturing a cloned item in Saints Row IV and I am experiencing this problem where it shows in-game only the top part of the outfit as reskinned while the bottom part is grey. The suit is divided into lower and upper part. While the upper part is working fine, I do not...