Search results

  1. MadeOfPuddin

    Restored Hairstyles

    Description Adds two missing hairstyles from Saints Row The Third (Egyptian Princess and The Maero Mullet), and optionally unlocks two locked hairstyles (Hi Fauxhawk and Queen Bee). Screenshots Installation Drop all files (including the mods folder) into your root folder (Restored...
  2. MadeOfPuddin

    Gruesome Gat

    Replaces Zombie Gat's body with Dead Gat's body from Saints Row IV, while keeping the zombie head INSTALLATION If you already have character_containers.asm_pc just drop saints_male_zomgat.str2_pc and saints_male_zomgat_high.str2_pc into your root folder and run the ASM Updater Otherwise drop...
  3. MadeOfPuddin

    SOLVED Issue with rebuilding NPCs

    I'm trying to add a retextured character, but extracting then rebuilding its character files seem to break them, even without any changes to them. Anybody knows how to overcome this? I'm using Minimaul's Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools rev133. Edit...
  4. MadeOfPuddin

    Move Sniper to Rifles

    Description Moves the McManus 2010 to the Rifles slot Screenshots Installation Drop all files into your root folder Files _a_ga_dt_03_modal.str2_pc - Changes the forced weapon slot during Guardian Angel (Kinzie) from Special to Rifle _a_ga_nw_01_modal.str2_pc - Changes the forced weapon...
  5. MadeOfPuddin

    Overhauled Stilwater

    The Sticky Camera sticks around (pun intended) even after disabling the mod. Any idea why?
  6. MadeOfPuddin

    Vehicles Vehicles flagged non-customizable

    Thanks for the reply. It's good to see people here. I hope it's not hardcoded and something can be done about it. But if others couldn't do anything about it after all these years, I have my doubts. I just thought it would be cool to buy somewhat rarer cars, like in previous titles, although...
  7. MadeOfPuddin

    Vehicles Vehicles flagged non-customizable

    I'm trying to make purchasable vehicles through the Upgrades menu (sort of like the car dealerships in earlier SRs), but any vehicle I purchase is flagged non-customizable for some reason (I assume it has to do with most unlockables here being DLC vehicles). Does anyone know how to overcome this...