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  1. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    I'm sorry. It happens to me sometimes. but the bottom line is that even converting models from sr1 they will not be 100% identical to the original ones due to the lack of normal tools. and they will certainly need manual revision
  2. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    It's not stealing it's flaming of your ass. Сompare files and see what I'm lying.changing one character in a file is also not a recreation but a theft. and the fusion mod is also a theft. transferring an overwrite or upscale texture is also not a recreation and making a new bones for skin is...
  3. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    I didn’t know that you were suffering from schizophrenia amid the copyright.
  4. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    but this is nonsense And too stupid. We can ban me. I convert sr1 asset colors 1:1 from sr1 to sr2. I not recreate it
  5. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    But converting console models to pc it's not console modding it's pc modding.
  6. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    so here it is not about that. here we are talking about what man say that the rules of the site are ban to converting from one volition game to second volition game.
  7. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    I don't have problem. I emphasized that man not right and it legal
  8. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    Gta sa train rockstar was given to yo too? Or fallout stuff?
  9. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Saints Row 1 in Saints Row 2?

    in this case you need to be block admixon because he convert Aom skins with adaptation to protagonist. And some other stuff like train from Gta sa.
  10. Qwerty Van Hallen

    [Requested] Fun Shaundi Over SR3 Shaundi

    Just extract sr4 fun shaundi files, rename extracted files to sr3 shaundi names(ccmesh,gcmesh,rig and other) and pack in sr3 version formats. you can do it at 5 minuts
  11. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Topdown Camera

    I change only Y to 200 at all parameters, and Min/max elevation at 90 and fov at 45
  12. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Does anyone know how to play for Viola DeWynter?

    For import head you need or blender, but it variant not good and bug, or 3ds max 2017-18 with special scripts
  13. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Does anyone know how to play for Viola DeWynter?

    Next find tutorial on that site and try to do it with using sdk
  14. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Does anyone know how to play for Viola DeWynter?

    you need import model of devinter and her head. But last hard to do
  15. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Does anyone know how to play for Viola DeWynter?

    Only if u do viola de winter as outfit for boss like in gat and kinzy in gooh
  16. Qwerty Van Hallen

    "mods" folder not working

    Install mods in game folder. Not in mods folder
  17. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Question about Saints Row 1 3D Models extraction.

    Textures you can extract with special peg tools. Use Google for find it
  18. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Question about Saints Row 1 3D Models extraction.

    With SR1-2 yes. Sr3-4 have layout of vertices and polygons in a file is more complicated and therefore it is more difficult to find polygons and vertices related to the same model from several
  19. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Question about Saints Row 1 3D Models extraction.

    With this tool you can extract any models from games with a simple model writing system. Models like in SR3 extract with this tool too hard or unreal
  20. Qwerty Van Hallen

    Question about Saints Row 1 3D Models extraction.

    Try it yourself if you do not believe. Nothing complicated there. But it is very long and tedious.