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  1. Cazzonero

    SR3 Save Editor C

    First thing i've done thanks to this great tool is remove every dual wield! And in one of my saves i restored all enemy gangs control of the city, except Arapice island so i can simulate a story where Saints attempts to seize the city failed, and now my boss and his gang is completely circled...
  2. Cazzonero

    DLC Opinions?

    I'll pass on this: we have already tons of vehicles in the game.
  3. Cazzonero

    A Tough City + some weapons modifications

    Managed to put a video of the mod on youtube: Car chase frenzy^^ First time i upload a video on youtube and i have to learn how to upload in hd, because the tube decreased a lot of the video quality.
  4. Cazzonero

    Swap weapon model with another one?

    Title says all: i tried to change via xtbl the cyber cannon model with stun gun model, but only thig changed is the firing sound. When checked better i found that <weapon_model> is included in the <audio> section of xbtl (at least now i know how to change weapons sound) Well, it's nicely wierd...
  5. Cazzonero

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    There is a "Bums Survival" ?! I did'nt know!
  6. Cazzonero

    Continuity Mishaps

    If not Shitface mod then probably it's mine "A though city" but the protesting people is on Shitface mod if i remember well.
  7. Cazzonero

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Nope, at least not for me: i discovered that the key is ù-§ Well, at least i found it^^
  8. Cazzonero

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Little update on issues: Z commands works, only key who won't work is the \
  9. Cazzonero

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Tried many things and they worked perfectly! But here's some issues i encountered (maybe some are tied to the fact that i own the EU-Italian vesrion of the game) - drunk state, once deactivated, will leave the drink cup on your hand - music stations: all station but "the mix" sound like...
  10. Cazzonero

    Weapons.xtbl questions.........

    For the overheat you shoul edit weapon upgrades xbtl too, or they will be ineffective. I made a mod that remove overheat from stag and cyber weapons here:
  11. Cazzonero

    Into Thin Air

    I agree: it's frustating.
  12. Cazzonero

    SR3 Save Editor C

    Thank you very much, Corrodias, now everything works fine^^ Tried the tool, deactivated dual-wielding and restored one of morning star zones: your tool is almighty!
  13. Cazzonero

    SR3 Save Editor C

    Ok, but i'm 32 not 64 and java7 version on the link is only for 64. I don't know if exist a java7 32bit compatible?
  14. Cazzonero

    SR3 Save Editor C

    This wont work for windows xp3?
  15. Cazzonero

    This screen shot... I don't even... what? MORE DLC?!

    I heard the news: "enter the dominatrix" will be in sr4? I don't like it... I like the excessiveness in sr3, but i like to fight other gangs, play as a crime lord: alien invasions? I rather play Duke Nukem then. And the new thq boss was'nt the one who said that he didn't liked sr3? Bah, we'll...
  16. Cazzonero

    New skin and hair colors Mod - by Cazzonero

    Glad to be useful^^ Nice boss!
  17. Cazzonero

    DLC Opinions?

    Last dlc i bought is "witches and wieners" I liked devil horns and angel halo, but they could have added angel wings as a backpack, and pants with a devil tail too. Witch robes are ok, hot dog suit too, but Ninja robes could be better if splitted (mask, upper, lower) As the "flying thing"... i...
  18. Cazzonero

    Remove top clothes hair restriction

    Thanks again, and i agree with you about the too many restrictions. For my boss i used custom skin and hair colors:
  19. Cazzonero

    New skin and hair colors Mod - by Cazzonero

    UPDATE: added version 2 of the mod with new skin & hair colors, in the first post along with screens: enjoy^^