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  1. puss2puss

    ..looking for logos, backgrounds, bricks...

    Hell-o all!, i need help for finding some textures that i cant find and i was hoping someone could point me to the good packfiles they belong too.. -loading logo (the logo of saints row, the one that looks like a bird with guns..we see it on loading screens..) -backgrounds (the...
  2. puss2puss

    Billboard Texture Toolkit for SRIV

    Could you update the tool to add the rest of the billboards like for rusty needle,etc..? I already found them, so if you dont have the time to update it yourself, can you tell me how i could do it myself, so that when packing the textures it includes the rest of them? Thanks.
  3. puss2puss

    Extracting, and Converting SR4's Soundtrack

    Oh nice!! Gonna try it out tonight for sure! Hum, by curiosity, i'm guessing that in-game, my replaced songs will have the same names they add before right? If so, is it possible to replace the name of the songs by editing the right xbtl? Also..i soon intend to uplaod some mods i made, and i was...
  4. puss2puss

    SRIV Removing glitch on walls possible?

    Ah i see! Thanks Knobby for clarifying it for me ;) EDIT: none of my tests have been conclusive :/ wow the walls are driving me crazy! I swear, now i only see this! Whatever i do in the attention is now locked to the glitching walls..getting insane here.. we got to remove this...
  5. puss2puss

    Repacking a str2_pc file

    Hi oh-Great-Minimaul and thanks for the reply! Well, two exemples comes to my mind, like: -the one for the billboards, 0914.asm + stream_grid.asm -and for the guns, item_containers.asm+main_streaming_weapons.asm (packfile is smg_small_gold.str2_pc) for the billboards i'm okay since i've used...
  6. puss2puss

    update 2 ASMs at same time?..

    Ahh this what stream2update is used for!..thanks a lot for your reply! Whats the procedure? I mean, do i repack normaly update one asm while repacking and then i use stream2update for the other asm? If I'm asking because, if i remember right, it doesnt have a...
  7. puss2puss

    Repacking a str2_pc file

    Great tuto Minimaul! Extremely usefull! The only thing i think is missing, is an explanation or ''add-on'' to your tools, is a way to update 2 ASMs when repacking a packfile.. Other then that, reallly great tuto and tools! Great job ;)
  8. puss2puss

    update 2 ASMs at same time?..

    Hi hi! ..i need to know, when repacking a packfile, how do we update 2 ASMs at the same time? Thanks.
  9. puss2puss

    SOLVED help..cant find some textures..

    Okkkk so everything's alright now, i found and edited all the billboards and everthing works perfect. So this thread can be marked as ''solved'' ..if it needs to. Thanks!
  10. puss2puss

    changing/removing rain color?..

    Hello hello! I was woundering, where would i find the file, in SRIV, that makes the rain red? Is it an XBTL file or a texture? I found that i can change the oppacity in rain.xbtl, but i cant find about the coloring,.. (i want to remove the lava-red color of the rain..) Thanks ;)
  11. puss2puss

    Extracting, and Converting SR4's Soundtrack

    Is there a way to repack bnk? Like, to replace some songs with new ones?
  12. puss2puss

    SRIV - GUNS - New Skins Mod

    Nice textures! Keep up the good work !
  13. puss2puss

    ..why cant we replace packfiles in cache?

    Ah i see! Ok thanks for the answers, really appreciated ;)
  14. puss2puss

    SRIV Removing glitch on walls possible?

    About the ''ir_srsimple1_glitch_bs'' ..whats the meaning of bs, fd, s ?
  15. puss2puss

    ..why cant we replace packfiles in cache?

    Hi IdolNinja! And thanks for the reply ;) ..i see.. so i guess that means the game will put priority in reading the asm(s) in main folder before the ones in cache? Is there a limit of packfiles we can put in the main folder before it starts sluttering/crash/freeze, or it wont slow anything in...
  16. puss2puss

    ..why cant we replace packfiles in cache?

    Hiya everyone! For learning purposes, i have a question that i hope someone can help me find the answer: When making mods, we have to update the asm of what we mod and drop the mod in the main folder, ..why cant we just replace the packfile directly in the cache folder? Is there a signature...
  17. puss2puss

    Wear simulation clothing while on ship

    Well theres nothing wrong for me to ask the mod author about this, since its about wearing simulation clothes in the ship. ..not sure why you keep on replying just to say that :P
  18. puss2puss

    SRIV Removing glitch on walls possible?

    Nice!..this is interresting..i'l make some test with those shaders tonight..i find it extremely annoyinf to see the walls sliding like water :P
  19. puss2puss

    Wear simulation clothing while on ship

    I know, i was only asking if it was possible to have a separate wearing set!..anyway..
  20. puss2puss

    Wear simulation clothing while on ship

    Thats not what i meant.. i meant behing able to have a wearable set while on he ship, and another one for when where back in the simulation.