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  1. DXFromYT

    Saints Row Reboot Tool (Extract/Patch)

    v0.2.1 fixed both recursive issues for me, thank you.
  2. DXFromYT

    Saints Row Reboot Texture Unpacker

    Same here, this is the error I get.
  3. DXFromYT

    Saints Row Reboot Tool (Extract/Patch)

    Wanted to let you know, when I unchecked Enable Recursive, it worked. Unchecking and rechecking however still doesn't. Edit: It worked in as much as the str2 files were extracted, but they weren't deleted from the extracted directory.
  4. DXFromYT

    Saints Row Reboot Tool (Extract/Patch)

    When I uncheck and recheck it, I now get this error.
  5. DXFromYT

    Saints Row Reboot Tool (Extract/Patch)

    I have Enable Recursive checked and I'm trying to extract sr_vanguard.vpp_pc but it leaves all of the str2_pc files in the extracted directory and doesn't extract them. Is this a bug?