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  1. J

    NPC clothes

    Is there a link for the Super Shaundi outfit?
  2. J

    Can someone make a sleeveless hoodie for this game?

    Is it possible to create a sleeveless hoodie for Saints Row 2?
  3. J

    Can someone make a sleeveless hoodie?

    Is it possible to make a sleeveless hoodie in this game?
  4. J

    Sleevless hoodie?

    Can someone please make a mod with an outfit with a hoodie without sleeves?
  5. J

    NPC clothes

    Thank you!
  6. J

    NPC clothes

    I really want to get Super Kinzie's outfit :(
  7. J

    NPC clothes

    How do I add Kinzie and Shaundi's powered costumes? All it says here is 'Content is deleted".
  8. J

    NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod

    Can the this mod be compatible with the gentlemen of the Zin mod?
  9. J

    Gentlemen of the Zin Empire (Trying to do it)

    Funny enough, I actually reinstalled it after the game crashed for the game froze. I managed to get the mod working.
  10. J

    Gentlemen of the Zin Empire (Trying to do it)

    Also, I think i caught sight of the DLC files from the mod. I only have the free DLC, nothing else.
  11. J

    Gentlemen of the Zin Empire (Trying to do it)

    How do I install the mods properly? I placed all the files from the "CUSTOM_SR4_MODS" into the Saints Row 4 folder but the game froze at the loading screen when I open it. I also placed the files inside the packfiles and tables files from within the Custom mods file. What did I do wrong?
  12. J

    SR2 HUD Control

    how can I opertae this without using an xbox controller?
  13. J

    Saints Row 2 : HD Super Extreme Graphics 4k Hyper Remix " Definitive Edition ²

    My laptop is a windows 8, and I'm using the gentlemen of the row mod. Will the enchanced graphics work with this mod?
  14. J

    Kinizie and Gat's clothing from Gat out of hell

    Yeah, "normal" as in just Saints Row 4.
  15. J

    Extended Wardrobe

    The readme file just says "Simply unpack to your root Saints Row IV folder. " Call me stupid, but does that mean place all the files into the Saints row 4 folder? Or a specific folder WITHIN the Saints row 4 folder.
  16. J

    Kinizie and Gat's clothing from Gat out of hell

    Any chance people are able to put Kinzie and Gat's costumes from Gat outta Hell into the normal game?
  17. J

    Kinizie and Gat's clothing from Gat out of hell

    I was wondering if anyone can acquire the clothing that both Kinzie and Gat had in the DLC and put it into the normal game.