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  1. satellitecorp14

    what does the new upcoming modding patch do

    It's supposed to remove memory limits.
  2. satellitecorp14

    outfit slot movement

    can someone move the flasher jacket and mens leather vest to the left and right piercing category so I can wear them with a double breasted jacket? or is this not possible?
  3. satellitecorp14

    No fight club QTE

  4. satellitecorp14

    All New Character Customization

    A suggestion for a face tattoo would be a line around the boss's face to mimic them wearing a mask like another famous sociopath...
  5. satellitecorp14

    Is it possible to transfer SR4 clothing to SR3?

    I'd like the whole presidenital outfit.
  6. satellitecorp14

    Multicolored Wings

    My request is different colored wings, such as red, blue, green, etc etc... I'm also wondering if it would be possible to have an in game menu to switch wing colors.
  7. satellitecorp14

    SRIV | Share your character pictures

    Making the mother of all omelettes! Can't fret over every egg!
  8. satellitecorp14

    SRIV | Share your character pictures

    XD That Sundowner Reference.
  9. satellitecorp14

    Fan Wishlist's for SR5

    sparing bosses to be optional.
  10. satellitecorp14

    No fight club QTE

  11. satellitecorp14

    GOOH Wings

    why not edit the superpowers first then add the wings last?
  12. satellitecorp14

    Gentlemen of the Row

    what are the unlockables for Gentlemen of the Row? I was expecting Legal Lee for Fight Club level 3 but got an outfit instead. Edit: read previous page, nvm.
  13. satellitecorp14

    Easycruiser Saints Row 2 mod

    is it possible to edit the fight club qte?
  14. satellitecorp14

    Fan Wishlist's for SR5

    territories gained by missions and sr2 tattoos, 3 and 4's just feel like stickers instead of body art.
  15. satellitecorp14

    New Homies

    XD wheee I'm an airplane!
  16. satellitecorp14

    Am I the only one actually looking forward to this?

    he played the badass genius bruiser Elliot.
  17. satellitecorp14

    Is there a way to skip missions (specifically Road Rage) in SR2/GotR?

    how did you trigger the mission ending in the code? theres a certain airport mission id like to mod away.
  18. satellitecorp14

    No fight club QTE

    One of the most frustrating things for me is qte in any game, this one being no different. I would love to see one of the worst game design sins removed so that it would be actually be possible for me to complete this since the bar keeps emptying no matter how hard i mash my keyboard.
  19. satellitecorp14

    Cash cheat mod

    For some reason when I try to increase the cash given by the cheat it stays the same amount. Edit: it broke the cheat. now it wont add money.
  20. satellitecorp14

    SRIV | Share your character pictures