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    Team Morningstar

    Shaundi = Zoey Morningstar Viola = Lilian Morningstar Kinzie = Clara Morningstar Oleg = Killbane Pierce = Male Morningstar (unsure of the name) And the original monringstar members are changed with the saints npc. Cant remmebr exactly who is who now, been a while since i made this
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    Team Morningstar

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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Would love to see the morningstar back too. Those female soldiers have my fave outfits. I think there was more potential with loren until he was cut short in the third game. Felt like a wasted opportunity having him die like that
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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Hoping this showcase isnt a let down and actually something long like 10 minutes.
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    [WIP] menthe sr-tools

    Can this be used to extract character models from the game? I tried ninja ripper but the faces are off
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    Morningstar - Liilian

    Yeah imma be honest, I tried but really had no idea what I was doing. Ended up getting a building and don't really know my way around blender. Would you like to help extracting it? Willing to pay for your services or perhaps you may know someone else whod be interested?
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    Morningstar - Liilian

    Hello! Would you happen to have the 3d model of the morningstar girls clothes? Maybe even the character model of them? Got a friend who knows how to import 3d models into resident evil but he just needs the 3d model itself first. Im guessing you were able to do it cause of this mod. I would love...
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    Extract 3d Model Request (Willing to Pay)

    Id like to extract the models of the female Morningstar soldiers but I have no idea how to do it. If you could help me out that would be great and I'll even pay you for your efforts
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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Glad to know the korean devs havent been ruined by this woke agenda and are still making good looking characters and aesthetic designs
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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Any clue when the next footage of gameplay going to be released? Pretty excited to see the customization
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    Team Morningstar

    This is my last mod. Too busy nowadays with other stuff. Only thin I want now for the game is to make the morningstar female soldier outfits wearable. The one thats alrerady in the game has glitched boots
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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    woah thats pretty dope. Even more excited now for what designs i can come up with for my character
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    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I heard layered clothing is coming back into this game? How does that work exactly? Never actually played 1 and 2 so not really sure. Is it like you can wear any type of shirt and put any type of jacket on top of it?
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    SRTTR Extracting Tool (menthe sr-tools desktop version)

    Will this tool allow people to create their own outfits like how there are so many modded outfits for saints row 4?
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    Team Morningstar

    A simple mod that changes your gang members into Morningstar members. Now you're in the shoes of the Morningstar trying to take down the saints. Simply download the file and place it in your saints row remastered folder. This will also work with the original saints row 3
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    Play as NPC

    Damn, how did he even get hands on a leaked build and is it possible for us to attain it also?
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    Play as NPC

    Just saw this video from mrsaintsgodzilla21. Anyone have an idea of how he got to play as an npc character? Hoping it can be applied to other npc's as well. Always wanted to play as the other members since way back
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    Play as NPC

    I just watched this video from mrsainstgodzilla21 and he was able to play as keith david. Would anyone know how this is possible and if it can be applied to other npc's as well? I always wanted to play as the other characters and im hoping its now finally possible
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    Morningstar female soldier enemies and female cops

    Do you mean the original saints row 3? Then yes it will work also