Hey there,
I've been quite interested in the intention of making the saints a Private Military Styled gang for some time. I have changed the gang customization file to make the bodyguards masako only soldiers as seen here. And thanks to the amazing work of Unpopular Asian Guy changing the Gangs...
I think thats something to do with the Gang customization and Ped files conflicting maybe, because saints row only understands the gang variant of vehicles so you'd have to incorporate the road variants into the gang one somehow? Apologies if I am wrong but ive tried messing around myself and...
Hey hate to keep doing this but I noticed there is a Variant of the FBI interceptor outfitted for strike teams, It is seen in the cutscene where the masako try to kill you whilst at the bar. Picture reference here: http://saintsrow.wikia.com/File:FBI_-_Ultor_CS_SR2_variant_screenshot.png I was...
Yeah! correct me if im wrong but he looks like Pagan Min from Far cry 4? :D love it! also yeah don't worry about it I am patient, honestly I appreciate the fact your doing this and of course the awesome work you've put in ;)
Preferably Grizzly, bulldog and Fbi interceptor just for realistic effect mostly with black addons like rims and bumpers etc, If you wouldn't mind I would be most grateful?
Yeah thats what i was trying to get at, I've customized my bulldog with a mounted turret and purple and black matte paint looks nice, I'm trying to make the gang look more like a private army so i wanted a dark/metallic theme for the vehicles if you get me? I'm no good with coding or editing...
Hey great work! could you remake this colour scheme for all the gang vehicles? I was wondering if it would be possible to make the colours to matte purple and black for all the gang vehicles for GOTR?
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