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  1. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 FIXED w/ New Links added!

    I think I narrowed it down. The cheats.xtbl and the cheats_text.xtbl files, remove them (but don't delete them), move them to some other location on you computer then rebuild patch and try see if the crashing stops. Not sure about the cheats files are actuall crashing the game cause it don't...
  2. FusionH2o

    Modding mishaps: SR2

    Got burnt by the sun today so I'm extra crispy! Imao Messing with the sun scale in the time_of_day.xtbl file in the game.
  3. FusionH2o

    How to use ThomasJepp.Saintsrow.EditPackFiles to pack MUS KHRYME.xwb into music1_vpp_pc

    I think that is the wrong file. I think you use ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.BuildPackfile not the ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.EditPackfile, I could be wrong, someone will have to correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. FusionH2o

    SR2 Will someone put this on the Saints Row Wikia?

    A promotional ad found within Saints Row 2 files that remained since the days of the classic Saints Row game but was never used. Will someone please upload this rare find on the Saints Row Wikia's image/ thumbnail gallery?
  5. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 is crashing

    GoTR save files are incompatible with vanilla game. You need to start a new game again.
  6. FusionH2o

    New Saints Row game!

    So far that video is incorrect, "Saints Row 5" was never confirmed yet. From earlier in this thread Admixon said: he never said said it was "Saints Row 5". He said in another post " In other words, we don't know yet.
  7. FusionH2o

    More Mission Checkpoints (v0.7)

    Extended Extras + is probably the culprit. Happened to me before.
  8. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 PC Waste Not Want Not crashing

    This is why it crashed on me before and after that I uninstalled it. This happened way back when the mod was at a early stage.
  9. FusionH2o


    This thread is for my new mod that BeautiDuwanger95 inspired me to make after messing around with the weather time of day.xtbl settings. Go see the original thread at post #55 .
  10. FusionH2o


    Is that Ronald McDonald?
  11. FusionH2o


    === IMPORTANT === This mod is deprecated and won't receive any updates. A user named BeautiDuwanger95 have inspired me to create a new mod, named SR2 Alien TOD. This mod makes the colors in the game inverted or negative, backwards ect. Both day and night has inverted colors, and the weather...
  12. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 PC Waste Not Want Not crashing

    Hmm, Okay. try to use nclock's version file instead of mine and see if it still crashes. IDK what will be causing the game to crash.
  13. FusionH2o

    Modding mishaps: SR2

    You should see the night time lol. You have inspired me to create a new mod, named SR2 Alien TOD ;)
  14. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 PC Waste Not Want Not crashing

    That's strange. Did you ever backed up your "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder before attempting doing that? Yikes! I always back up my folders cause you'll never know when a error arises. It's always best to back up your whole GoTR folder.
  15. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 PC Waste Not Want Not crashing

    I have no clue why the interiors are missing, but it might have something to do with Masamaru's HQ Texture Pack or the texture pack didn't install correctly.
  16. FusionH2o

    More Mission Checkpoints (v0.7)

    I seen a report made from this mod using the file bh03.lua which is a Brotherhood mission, "Waste Not Want Not" , it seems to cause a crash while starting the mission. I had to upload the original bh03.lua file to see if it fixes his problem. Please fix this file? See this post...
  17. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 2 PC Waste Not Want Not crashing

    Put this file in the "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder of GoTR and rebuild patch. Let me know if it stops the crashing.
  18. FusionH2o

    Modding mishaps: SR2

    Messing around the tone mapping setting in the weather_time_of_day.xtbl and found out how to get "negative colors" in the game by setting the code to be similar to this: <Tone_Mapping> <Saturation>-1.1</Saturation> </Tone_Mapping> With the - in front of 1.1 makes the game have negative...
  19. FusionH2o

    [Enhanced Graphics 2] Saints Row 2 : Shinobu" Fix - Ultra Settings

    It's working for you now? Good, glad to have helped.
  20. FusionH2o

    [Enhanced Graphics 2] Saints Row 2 : Shinobu" Fix - Ultra Settings

    Did you made sure you disabled HDR in the options?