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  1. FusionH2o

    Cross-platform Xbox services are finally arriving

    Microsoft is getting ready to release an important software development kit (SDK) that will allow game developers to integrate Xbox Live into any titles that run across PC, Xbox, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. Spotted by Windows Central, a GDC session reveals that Microsoft will announce its...
  2. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    That screenshot was original fog in SR2 with GoTR's time_of_day.xtbl installed lol, not mine, mine's brownish like in the first game, SR1.
  3. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 FIXED w/ New Links added!

    It's fixed!! Go grab it! Try it, let me know if it works!
  4. FusionH2o

    Mod gotten fixed!

    Yes you heard right, go it, it's been fixed! My mod I threatened to delete because it crashed other users games, Saints Row HQ Texture pack.
  5. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    I've haven't actually gave up that mod cause I gave permission to Janson to take over it, and soon it will be fixed.
  6. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    I don't know how you can see no fog in SR1 but I do on my end. There is fog on both games but by default they're a different colors. SR1 have a brownish fog during the day: Whereas SR2 have a bluish color:
  7. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    Thanks. The reason this hasn't been released yet is I'm taking my time instead of rushing into things then finding out in the end something don't work or is missing or ect. Yes indeed it is getting better.
  8. FusionH2o

    Epic Games vs Steam?

    Same thing going down on Reddit too:
  9. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    Update: New light rain clouds look almost like SR1's light rain clouds! More on the way, including that brighter lights and darker city and the mod will be released as soon as possible! Saints Row Light rain: Saints Row 2 Light rain:
  10. FusionH2o

    SOLVED Gentlemen of the Row: Store Outfit Crashing *Fixed*

    Well then I apologize. It could be your system. I found what was causing the crashes with my textures mod version 4.1, it was script related and some .xtbl files wasn't correct. Maybe change the location of the ram in your system might correct your problem. I have mine set up with a rare...
  11. FusionH2o

    Xtbl Editor

    This is the tool I use on my time of day and weather mods and I love it!
  12. FusionH2o

    SOLVED Gentlemen of the Row: Store Outfit Crashing *Fixed*

    Earlier in the other thread you said it was my Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack that caused the crash, now you're saying Masamaru's Saints Row 2 High Quality Texture Pack causes it? You need to get your facts straight. Also I'd hate to burst your bubble but world textures does not contain textures...
  13. FusionH2o

    Gentlemen of the Row: Store Outfit Crashing

    What's the name of it?
  14. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    Update: The files weather.xtbl, weather_time_of_day.xtbl, cheats.xtbl and cheats_text.xtbl have been modified, the weather stages pre-storm, post-storm, and vibrant are gone since these weather stages wasn't in the first game. Since the cheats been changed so therefore you'll have to enter...
  15. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    Update: Brighter lights, dark city, similar nature to Saints Row 1's night: I thought the mod would be released sometime around New Years but I didn't want to rush it. This texture mod will be out soon.
  16. FusionH2o

    Saints Row Textures for SR2 Merged with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2

    Since I fixed my Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2, I am going to merge this mod with Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for SR2 since I like the new weather system.
  17. FusionH2o

    Sandbox++ v0.9 (Warp to Activity Markers + Ghost Town Mode)

    I know they comment on you in both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of SR2 too.
  18. FusionH2o

    Sandbox++ v0.9 (Warp to Activity Markers + Ghost Town Mode)

    You found out how to change day/night cycle speeds in the .lua file, awesome. I wonder if we could make the moon appear using the same .lua file? Any possibilities if that can happen?
  19. FusionH2o

    Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 FIXED w/ New Links added!

    GO look at the beginning of this thread, it's important!!!
  20. FusionH2o

    Gentlemen of the Row: Store Outfit Crashing

    I had the same issue and it can't be fixed so I reinstalled Saints Row 2 and the GoTR mod to make my game stop crashing and it worked. I hope you get your side of things fixed, right now I'm working on killing off my Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 and going back to my other mod...