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  1. E

    Homie mod

    I haven't buy this game, but I'm planning to, i heard there's no Homie in the game, can any1 make a mod which adds this? i want viola to escort me
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    SRIV Why i hate SR IV

    I'm a fan of saints row series, but i don't like the 4th one, and this is the reasons why i hate it. - The city is simulated - Crib replaced with gateway - Few Graphic Improvement - Cars are useless since theres supersprint - Oleg, Viola, Angel, Zimos (ik he's in ETD) is gone -There's almost no...
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    Downgrade player abilities?

    Can anyone make a mod that could downgrade player's abilities? i upgraded my fall damage to max and theres no more falling damage, now i want it back, could anyone create this mod?
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    Need help merging mods

    i need help on merging mods, first of all i dont know anything about modding, all i know is how to install them. Few weeks ago i installed Mission replay, Sandbox+, and NPC Behavior Spawn mod, now i would like to install Gentlemen Of Steelport modpack, The problem is, i already have some of the...
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    Both Dewynter Sisters as homie?

    I understand that killbane killed Kiki and Viola joined the saints, but if possible. could anyone make a mod that adds Kiki as homies too? i wanna see both viola and kiki together. thx in advance
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    No More Restricted Area / STAG doesn't occupy Steelport?

    So i dont like STAG Occupying steelport and create Restricted areas, and mess the bridges, can anyone make a mod that turns the city of steelport to its regular style? no more Restricted Area, No more messed up bridges (turn the bridge lower)., just like in the begining of the game, so i dont...
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    Viola, Lin, Donnie as a homie mod.

    I heard that Viola, Lin , donnie, and others from SRTT were cut as a homie, but their model, audiologs, Homie Icon, and some audiofiles are still in the game's data and viola also has an entry in homies.xtbl (as far as i know) but marked as "MaybeDLC. someone ever posted an image of viola in...
  8. E

    TAXI Service mod?

    so, in SR2 there's a feature that allows us to ride a taxi to our destination by setting gps to our destination, is there a way so anyone could make that similiar mod?
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    Sandbox+ mod Problem

    So, i just downloaded Sandbox+ mod made by [V] Idol Ninja. its a brilliant mod!, but the thing is, i have one problem. when i pressed R + SEMICOLON (carry homie over shoulder) it says i should grab my homies whos crouching like grabbing a human shield. when i did it, it was working fine. but the...