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  1. Noodlock

    No rewards for Hitman etc

    Does somebody has the same problem? I completed Hitman activity in all 3 locations, and i got almost nothing in reward except money, respect and Mister Wong as a homie. No golden desert eagle, no platinum TEC-9, SPAS-12 or laser RPG. Playing on Xenia Canary.
  2. Noodlock

    How to unlock 60 fps in this game

    I searched everything but found nothing, maybe im looking badly. I would do it myself but I suck ass at these config things, can somebody tell me how to make this game run in 60 fps? Cuz I couldnt find any "vsync" or "framerate" lines...
  3. Noodlock

    AR-55 Full-auto.

    I really like AR guns more than AK, but i just cant stand with the AR-55 shooting mode, please made a full-auto for this gun. Its already released for SRTT and i was using AR-55 in it all the time.
  4. Noodlock

    Red color for 3rd Street Saints in SR TTR.

    Original purple is nice of course for the gang, but i would like to play with red saints. Played with this mod in SR2 and didn't see any kind of that mod for SRTT Remastered.