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  1. xstatic


    Hello, can somebody send me the unpacked file of Misc_table for SRTTRemastered . Since i deleted it with all mods files too, i tried to extract it again but the tool is not working anymore . So maybe ,posting an ready file will helps other peoples who had problems or starting modding ,who knows .
  2. xstatic

    Audio taunts and compliment

    Hi ,i want to ask if its possible to change the audio of "Fiaj" taunt the fart audio by the audio of the Penicelin grenade flash .or maybe make it louder . I m aware that i'm asking for rediculous mods but i hope this time its make able.
  3. xstatic

    How can we change the range of the flame thrower

    How can we change the range of the flame thrower ,i changed the value to 200 but it's not working ,still the same any advice ,thank you .
  4. xstatic

    Weapons upgrades

    I searched on site for weapon upgrades to make it more powerfull espacialy for the smg tekz10 , beacause i want to upgrade it without the silenced one . I found somes but links was dead . So if someone can help me . Thanks alot .
  5. xstatic

    Vehicles Vehicle speed limits

    Is it possible to change speed value of vehicle like acceleration top speed gears? With that tweak table ? No?
  6. xstatic

    Character Customization SR 4 haircuts

    Is it possible to remaster SR4 haircuts .i saw vipers mod that he remaster a whole model for srtt original ,so maybe its possible. Thx
  7. xstatic

    Vehicles New cars?

    Is it possible to creat a tool to convert and import cars , just like gta 5 . I guess its hard but just asking. Thx.