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  1. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    You guys probably saw this one coming right? The obligatory Diamond Sword! Now has a glowmap so it shines a brilliant bright light!
  2. Donhonk

    Suppressed Quickshot Pistol Mod

    Hey guys, heres a quick mod I made while testing the Weapon SDK. Please enjoy! And would love too see your characters with it equipped. :) Note that I haven't modified the firing sound, I'm sure Ill get around to figuring that out at some point.
  3. Donhonk

    SRIV SRIV SDK Release A: Weapon Tools

    This is the first release of the planned Modding SDK for Saints Row IV. Watch this thread in the future for further SDK updates. (Release B and Beyond.) This SDK (Release A) includes tutorials, template files, and tools for creating your own new weapon models for use ingame. On top of this our...
  4. Donhonk

    SRIV SDK Release A: Weapon Modding Tutorial

    Saints Row IV SDK Release A: Weapon Mod Tools Supported Replacing existing weapons in Saints Row IV with a custom model and new textures. NOTE: The replacing of existing assets are temporary. Volition is working on a modding patch for Saints Row IV that will allow the loading of entirely new...