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  1. Baronflynt

    Hell's Fury-Difficulty Mod

    Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I updated this, but I've started working on this mod again! The biggest changes are with Archduke fights, they should be much more difficult now. I will be updating a lot more now that I'm almost done with college!
  2. Baronflynt

    Hell's Fury-Difficulty Mod

    Hello everybody, and welcome to Hell... for real! Has surviving in Hell become too trivial? Do you barely flinch as you shrug off the miniscule attacks of your enemies? Do you laugh as you mow down hordes of demons with ease? Do the mighty Archdukes crumble to their feet within seconds? Satan...
  3. Baronflynt

    Improved Dark Inciters mod

    Ever seen a Dark Inciter summon anything before they get obliterated? Me neither. This mod makes Dark Inciters much more threatening by increasing the rate at which they summon enemies and therefore increasing the difficulty of the game. This mod is the first part of my upcoming "Hell's Fury"...
  4. Baronflynt

    No Archdukes mod

    Here's a simple mod that I just made that I'm sure many people will find useful. It will lock your max notoriety at 5 and ensure that no Archdukes will spawn. Be careful, as I'm not sure how this mod will effect Marshalling Grounds, which force you to have Level 6 Notoriety. Installation...
  5. Baronflynt

    Request: Notoriety Tweak or No Archdukes

    Here's a mod for you. Basically, it locks your max notoriety and 5 and ensures you will never see an Archduke in your rampages. I'll also post it onto the mod releases forum. Plunk this into the main Gat Outta Hell folder, where the .exe is located. (Steam->Steamapps->Common->Saints Row Gat out...
  6. Baronflynt

    How to edit enemy behaviors... give them Super Powers and more!

    Ever thought that enemies in Saints Row 4 are too boring? Want to make combat harder? You can easily modify enemies in Saints Row 4, allowing them to use different weapons, use super powers, or do other things! You will need... 1. shitface's NPC Behavior and Spawn mod 2. Notepad++ 3. Saints...
  7. Baronflynt

    Idea for Radio Station in Gat out of Hell

    There should be a radio station that only plays shitty music produced by Satan that is purely designed to torture. E.g screeching untuned electric guitar, demons rapping, and a song that consists entirely of people screaming. Or it could include shitty music like RAED (don't look him up unless...