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  1. Hilanthis

    Vehicle FX Question

    Hey, I was curious about information on how SR2 and/or SR3 handled it's vehicle fx, such as headlights, police lights, spotlights on helicopters, etc. and if we would possibly be able to edit these scripts in the future with the tools or if they're hardcoded values? An example of what I'd like...
  2. Hilanthis

    Introductions may be in order

    I have to say on behalf of modding communities everywhere it's refreshing to see a developer take such an active interest in it's modding community. Welcome! I hope you have a long and enjoyable stay with us! ^.^
  3. Hilanthis

    Steelport Gangs DLC fixes

    I still can't believe the issue was what I had guessed at first. A messed up alpha channel is something so easy to fix, and easier to identify. The fact that a professional development team missed it, then let it pass through testing (if there was any testing) to release is beyond me.
  4. Hilanthis

    DLC Opinions?

    I know! I was instantly pissed the first time I booted up SR3 and saw they did away with the old clothing system and replaced it with a half-assed version and baked the NPC outfits onto the models. I was in defense of Volition too at first, but gradually it's just diminished as the DLC kept...
  5. Hilanthis

    DLC Opinions?

    Going even further back, the jaggies and green bleedthrough on the Bloody Cannoness outfit from the Nyteblade pack hasn't been fixed either.
  6. Hilanthis

    Fix Decker Specialist Outfit (DLC)

    I noticed in game, when placed in bright light. The fishnet texture was slightly visible over the black. So my guess is, they simply didn't put an alpha channel on the texture which allowed the black background beneath the fishnet to become transparent. A simple mistake, but one that someone...
  7. Hilanthis

    DLC Opinions?

    No leathery/latex shine on the morningstar outfits. Relatively low detail textures. Lack of color ability mainly on the decker outfits. And the decker specialist's stockings were changed from the torn fishnets to... Solid black? While I'm enjoying the outfits. Those are the real downsides to...
  8. Hilanthis

    Mission Replay v8

    Having both options to choose from for the GoS release would be perfect but I like option 2 personally. Because any changes made can always be undone by replaying certain missions, and it makes the world more malleable which is always a bonus in sandbox games.