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  1. S

    New Homies

    Amazing mod, thank you. Is there a chance we get Viola as homie in the future since she's part of GOOH?
  2. S

    Armchair-A-Geddon help

    Thank you for your replies, it finally works. I was confused by the key binding menu since i expected to see the secondary fire option in 'On foot' section, but I have it now.
  3. S

    Armchair-A-Geddon help

    That is odd. I use the default key mapping and that is Left mouse button for attack and Right mouse button for zooming, so with Left click it shoots out of machine guns and Right click in this case does nothing.
  4. S

    Armchair-A-Geddon help

    Hello, this is rather a stupid question, but I'm currently playing GOOH on PC and I just got the Armchair-A-Geddon, which is probably the coolest weapon from all the SR games and I just can't figure out how to use missiles. I pressed possibly every single button on keyboard, but nothing does...