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  1. Shaidon

    Permanently Keep Temporary Weapons

    It's possible to also add the DLC ones? Laser Pistol, Auto Laser, Laser Canon, Swarmitron and "Fireball".
  2. Shaidon

    [SRIV] Female - Mkeke

    Low tone female 2 voice. Replaying as the crazy and naughty boss.
  3. Shaidon

    [SRIV] Female - Luna

    Female voice 1. Replaying the game as a "nice" boss. 😋
  4. Shaidon

    SR3 Save Editor C

    I just finished Genkibowl and Gangstas In Space DLCs, and so I unlocked the vehicles, Verminator, Genkimobile, Scythe and Aegean. But these vehicles do not appear on the garage editor, so I can't make a backup of "blank" versions of it. But the vehicles Bloody Cannoness and Nyte Blayde do. Any...
  5. Shaidon

    saints gang members clothes/decker hair mod | READ DESCRIPTION!

    Just out of curiosity, the weiner mascot outfit is also an entire NPC mesh?
  6. Shaidon

    Make some hard missions, easier?

    Hello people! I came here for request a mod to make the missions types Cyber/Trail Blazing and Escort less stressful. I did it all on my first play-through, but not in the mood to do again. Missions that force me to rush is not my kind of fun. :rolleyes: At least change the hard missions will be...